Who thought that shit up?

So I’m sitting here last night watching TV because there were nasty ass thunderstorms moving through and I decided that I didn’t want to be on the computer when it was storming. How the fuck I figure that I’m so much more protected watching TV instead of being on the computer I don’t know. Let’s see, a 17″ monitor blowing up in my face vs. a 36″ TV blowing up in my face. Hmmm, which one would be safer for me? Actually if it starts lightning extremely bad I usually turn the TV off. I do have a pretty good Belkin surge protector on my TV as well as my computer, so I don’t worry too much about it.

As I was sitting there watching the storms blow around us, I decided to eat a few raisins. That got me thinking. Who the fuck invented this shit? I know that raisins are dehydrated grapes, but how did they figure this out? Did some lazy bastard living in Arizona accidentally leave his grapes out in the sun one day and then when he went to check on them they had all shriveled up on him? Well once that happened he was screwed because you know his wife was going to kick his ass for that. So what else is he going to do but try and pass this shriveled grape off as food? That’s how we got prunes too. I guess you can just let your food rot and then pass it off as a new food. Too bad it doesn’t work too well with a pork chop.