Spongebob is Gay

So I have a question here. Why the hell was all of that money wasted for the inauguration? Bush has been president for four years already, it’s not like it’s his first win. It cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 40 million dollars, not including security ($17.3 million.) Where’s that money coming from? I know some of it was private donations, but not all of it. Plus, the people and companies that donated this money for this waste of time are probably the same kind of people that wouldn’t donate a dime to anyone that actually needed it. Homeless or starving, too bad… fancy celebration for someone who has to do the same thing he’s done the last four years for another four… whip out the checkbook. My original point here was why in the hell are we even celebrating this? He’s already the president isn’t he? So between my tax dollars and private donations someone who already had the job is throwing a four day party and I’m not even fucking invited? Now that’s some bullshit.

Speaking of bullshit, did you know that Spongebob is gay? That’s what they were telling me on the news instead of looking into why the government wasted so much money on the inauguration.

From what I understand of this whole story, my good friends the hardcore Christians are upset over a video that was released by a non-profit organization to schools promoting tolerance to others and a message to respect others. Spongebob is hardly in the video more that a few seconds, and others are in there as well like Bob the Builder and Barney and Winnie the Pooh. So they decide to pick on Spongebob saying that he is promoting a homosexual agenda. So what we have here is a video going out to schools with all of these children’s favorite characters singing the song “We are Family” to promote tolerance and diversity. Well what kind of stupid asshole would want to promote that, well aside from that Jesus fellow?

So get this straight you Christian hardcore jerk offs. Spongebob Squarepants is not gay. He’s just stupid.

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