The End of 2005

I know it’s the last day of the year and I should do what every other retarded publication and news organization does and run down the top whatever of 2005 and point out useless shit that we all forgot but honestly, how lame is that? Instead, I would rather do what I do best and end the year out right by bitching about something.

We had another major meltdown at work this week. Our main register cacked out on us at some point on Wednesday night, and since I do pricing, the main register is a little bit important to me. See, all of the pricing that is sent to me that I make tags off of gets sent up to the main registers and that is how the stuff rings up at the registers. Do you see the predicament I was in? None of my price changes or ad items were going up front meaning that nothing was ringing up correctly if it came to my computer on Thursday or Friday. Stop, I know what you’re thinking; but Dave, if the problem happened on Wednesday, why were you still having problems on Friday. Well, that’s just what makes the story that much better to end the year on. Thursday morning when I get to work at 4am I check out this note left saying all this has happened and it says that it should all be repaired by Thursday by noon.

Thursday noon rolled around and guess what, no fixed system. I got a hold of someone at my office who told me that no one would be there until after four in the afternoon, so I just took off for the day. I figured that if they were going in on Thursday afternoon we’d be rolling by Friday morning. Wrong again.

Enter the snowstorm; Friday morning rolls around and I’m all ready to go into work and send all of Thursday’s stuff to the main register and I look outside and there is about 2” of snow outside. That’s just great, now I have an 18 mile drive to work on shitty roads. I finally get to work in the lovely weather and find out that the problem still wasn’t fixed and worse yet there are notes telling us if something was wrong or even if they are coming back on Friday. I had gone in at four in the morning again so there was nobody I could call that early, I had to wait until 6 in the morning. Once I got a hold of them I learned that they knew nothing more than I did, so it was back to the waiting game. Eventually I found out that they installed the new hard drive but they didn’t know how to partition it so they just left and they would be back before noon on Friday. Apparently in their world before noon equals noon because that is when they showed up to fix this bullshit. I asked how long it would take and he said about 45 minutes. I thought hot shit I’ll just stick around and wait. I mention that my office said it would be around 5 hours for this to get done and he goes… well yeah, it’ll take me about 45 minutes to get the hard drive set up but it will take around 4 hours to load everything into it. Well, fuck that noise, I decided to go home and come back later. I told them to call me when everything was working correctly and I could come in and finish everything up. I got the call around four telling me that the guy left and it would take about two more hours for everything to load up so I figured around six I’d leave and go finish up. I took off around six which was just in time for round two of the snowstorm and some more glorious driving. I get there and I see that the register is working just fine so I go into the back to do my thing and I find out that there is still some sort of connection error for this goddamn thing. I end up calling retail tech and letting them know what’s going on and about an hour and three phone calls later I ask if there’s any point in me sticking around for this shit. I was told that nothing would be resolved anytime soon so I might as well head out. Great, now I get to drive for the third time in shitty weather on roads covered with snow and slush.

This morning although I never got any phone calls from anyone at tech support, who I gave my cell phone number to) I found out through work that the connection was fixed and working. Around 11 this morning I went in and did my thing which took a good hour and a half and finally put all of this bullshit behind me. What a shitty way to end off the old year.

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