Thursday, March 20

I have noticed that this year seems to be all sequels. Matrix 2 & 3, Bad Boys 2, X-Men 2, Fast & the Furious 2, and the list goes on. Shit, even the war is a sequel. I wonder if this one will have a better ending? I don’t really recall how the last one ended. I didn’t pay much attention to that either.

As I write this, it is fucking snowing outside. SNOWING!!!! Son of a Bitch! I hate the snow. I don’t think it is going to accumulate to much, but my local weather isn’t on because apparently we need round the clock coverage of this war thing.

On the bright side, tomorrow is Friday, which is payday and I only have six hours to work, so it will also be a short day. That’s good, because I don’t like to be there much anyway.