Tornado Watches and Snow

Yesterday was interesting enough. I got done working around 2 and came home and it was way too warm for the end of October. It was also extremely muggy for October; you don’t normally see a 60 degree dew point in late fall. So of course that resulted in a tornado watch being issued for our area until 9pm and re-issued until midnight. Well of course you would never know that we even had storms last night if you were outside today. I guess that was summer’s last stand and now winter has been given the clearance to show and prove. Snow is in the forecast Monday and supposedly again on Friday. What kind of bullshit is that? Obviously fall and winter are officially here. How can I tell you ask? Because we are turning the clocks back an hour. Although I would never bitch about getting an extra hour of sleep going on here, I would like to point out how completely stupid this is. What the fuck is the point anyway? So I turn my clock back and I get an extra hour of sleep tonight, but then tomorrow night it is suddenly dark out at five o’clock. Now that’s some bullshit.

I got off work today and I stopped at another grocery store because they were selling hamburger for $1.48/lb and I decided I should get myself some. Well I get up front and like a magnet I was attracted to the lane with the girl that had only been working there since this morning. There is some woman in front of me with all kinds of produce and this cashier, and I use this term loosely, was completely dumbfounded by what was in front of her. She took a shot at cucumbers and was correct, but the green onions stumped her. She started the order out by scanning the coupons and she couldn’t grasp that they weren’t ringing up at all. Even I know that you have to have the items scanned before you ring the coupons through, but apparently this girl’s 20 minutes of training didn’t cover that portion. So two hours later after my hamburger had developed E Coli and a host of other potentially serious bacteria growths, I got out of there. And I thought I hated my store.

Then as I’m leaving the store there are about three people standing in the raised median of the divided highway holding John Kerry signs. That’s kind of pointless isn’t it? Look, I’ve kind of stated it before and I’ll run it by everyone once again. If someone wants to vote for George Bush they aren’t going to change their minds because they see a sign with John Kerry’s name on it, even if there is a person attached to it standing in the middle of the road. Let’s break this down to simpler terms. Let’s say George Bush is a Coke, and John Kerry is a Pepsi, ok, following me so far? Now you’re an avid Coke drinker, some might even call you a Coke sucker, especially the ones that drink Pepsi. Now being the Coke sucker that you are, if I stand there and hold a sign that says Pepsi on it, what are you going to do? Unless you are so swayed by a piece of heavy duty paper that bears a name on it, I’m thinking you will keep on drinking your Coke. The same thing goes for the election. That’s another thing that bugs me. When these candidates go out there campaigning they always play their own crowds. How the hell do you expect to make any ground if all you do is talk in front of people that already think you are the shit and are going to vote for you already?

Well no matter how stupid I think the campaigns are and the candidates for that matter, I’m going to vote the same way I did four years ago. Not for GWB.