Well, it’s official now, I start school next week. I went and purchased my textbook for my only class this semester which is of course “Income Tax Accounting”. That means not only will I get all educated on doing taxes, I’ll have relatives asking me to do their taxes for them because “I know how”. Maybe I’ll fuck their taxes up and send them on a nice 5 year vacation to the federal pen. Guess they won’t ask me for any free favors anymore.
I see that China is in the news again trying to kill us and our animals with their subpar products. Not only is China trying to kill us, but they are also trying to outdo us in the tragedy department as well. We had the W35 bridge collapse in Minnesota on August 1st and we had 8 people killed in that. It gained instantaneous national news coverage and got the attention of the nation, if not the world. Whoa and behold less than two weeks later, China has a bridge that collapses and kills many more; 64 at last count. Sure, that could be a coincidence right, sure it was.
Shortly after the Minnesota bridge collapse went from news, to rescue to recovery, the media had a new story; trapped miners in Utah. We have six miners trapped and unfortunately, most likely dead by now. We lose three more miners from a rescue attempt gone bad bringing the death toll to nine. Oh and in comes China with their very own mine disaster and a death toll possibly near 200.
It should be obvious that much like toothpaste and DVD’s, China is bootlegging our news stories as well.