Snow Job

Well, it’s officially Wisconsin now. Four inches of snow has fallen since this morning. Snow is one of those things that you know it’s inevitable but you still get pissed off when it gets here. It’s like watching your alarm clock in the morning when you have to get up and go to work. You know pretty soon it will be time and you can watch the time slipping by but when it happens you get pretty pissed off. Every winter I get the wild idea in my head that maybe I should move my ass to a warmer climate; that or sell the Mustang. For whatever reason I still drive that car. I don’t like to drive the car in this kind of bullshit, that’s for sure. Unfortunately I never did sell it this summer; otherwise I might be better off.

Another lame day at work today after a day off eating turkey and pumpkin pie. I still don’t understand the concept of Thanksgiving. Of course what I don’t understand more than the day itself is the day after. Who designated the day after Thanksgiving to be the busiest shopping day of the year… Black Friday if you will. Today on my way to work I drove by our mall and a couple of the other larger retailers and checked out all of the idiots that were busy shopping so early in the morning. It’s almost surreal to know that normally on my way to work I see a total of eight cars and today you couldn’t have fit your car into any of those parking lots. I wonder if anyone got trampled going after a DVD player this year? Ah, those were the days weren’t they? I don’t know if I’m a little less greedy lately or what, but when I went through all of the sales this year, I didn’t see anything I even liked or would remotely want. You know what I want for Christmas? I want an IPOD that holds 40GB of music. OK, I know I only have 10GB of music on my computer, but that means that I could load it all up onto the IPOD and be on the go. There is also an attachment that you can listen to your IPOD through your car stereo, which would be tits if you ask me. Of course if I had that then I would probably be paying even less attention to the roads than I do now.

Hey, snow equals shoveling which equals back pain and shoulder pain and quite possibly some time off of work. Well, it’s not that bad; yet anyway. We only got four inches tonight and I’m thinking that we are done for now. I’m still sitting here waiting on El Nino though, and Nino better hurry it’s ass up and make my winter as pleasurable as the spring and summer that we never got. Remember the 30’s in August? That’s right, you owe us in Wisconsin.

So Anyway

So anyway, not too far away from where I live some nut job from Minnesota went nuts and shot eight people, killing five of them in a dispute over hunting in a tree stand on private land. You’d have to be shying away from media completely to not have heard about this considering that the news went national last night sometime and I had seen it on CNN and Fox News and all of those other channels not to mention it’s been picked up on many other channels around the United States. Since all of this has been covered countless times in the media I have no desire to talk about it anymore because frankly I’m sick of it. It sickens me because the stupid bastard that did it will probably get off on some type of insanity plea or he will claim he was defending himself. Hell, he had a rifle and the other eight only had one gun between them all. All I can hope is the gunman rots in hell.

On a lighter side, before all of the bullshit happened here I was watching television and saw a commercial for Jeep. Now it’s become accustom to put the disclaimer on the bottom of the screen whenever they do some dumb ass stunt that they don’t want you to try, but this one took the cake. They show a mountain which is actually a volcano. Then the volcano erupts and all this shit starts hitting the ground and a Jeep lands as well and drives away. Then at the bottom it says: DO NOT ATTEMPT. Well no shit Sherlock, why would you attempt that? Hell, how could you attempt that even? I’m sorry but if someone is dumb enough to get a Jeep to the top of Mt. Saint Helens or any other volcano that may erupt; I say more power to them. In fact I’d like to actually see someone attempt that.

Saving Private Ryan from Righteous Assholes

Less than one week to go until Thanksgiving. I don’t know why, but this year I really don’t care like I had in the past. I think maybe because I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind lately. I am attempting to teach myself CSS so I can revamp my websites and get those going with some nice features that CSS offers. I don’t know exactly how it will work out, but so far I’ve learned a few things. I have been saving money like crazy and aside from recurring bills I am pretty much paid up. I am also looking into school as well. So currently my plate is rather full, couple that with the fact that my job is so stupid and I’m surprised I’m not heavily medicated yet.

Speaking of stupidity at work I guess I can bitch a little more. On the plus side I actually was given permission to put my turkey pans on a 99 cent deal price, so that was good. However since our corporate office made our turkey price 79 cents a pound on turkeys and everyone else around us is going in the 50 cents or less per pound range it kind of kills us. Of course we were told that we weren’t going to match anyone else’s price on turkeys. Now that is completely stupid shit, especially considering the fact that our competitors aren’t that far away and if someone can save 6 bucks on a bird, they probably are going to. According to them they are planning on having a meeting on Monday to decide what they could do about the price. Fucking Monday? Do you realize that most people need to have their frozen turkey’s purchased before Monday so they can start cooking that sonofabitch Thursday morning. Unless you are throwing it in the deep fryer there is really no way you are going to have that thing finished by Thursday afternoon. Oh well, just another stupid idea in the world of a failing grocery store. If they are still open by next November I wonder what they are going to do considering that Super Wal Mart will then be open and the turkey price will probably be driven down to the mid 30’s.

I see the folks over at the AFA are running their mouths off about Saving Private Ryan that ran on Veteran’s Day on ABC. In case you missed it, I bitched about these assholes a while ago. So anyway these folks are annoyed that ABC aired this on broadcast television. Yes, it was a very brutal and bloody movie; war is hell… but wait, that’s not the problem here.
We believe Saving Private Ryan accurately depicted what happens during fierce battles between two armies. The graphic depictions of atrocious injuries, mental stress, profane language, and brutality are likely common occurrences in war.
But ABC crossed the line by airing at least 20 “f” words and 12 “s” words during prime time viewing hours!

According to these crusaders for decency it’s ok for the children to see someone getting their body parts blown off, but not if they say the word fuck when it happens. People like this make me sick. I still can’t understand why in the hell they can’t just turn off the channel. Without going into rant and rave mode like I did the last time I brought them up I will just reiterate one of my points. There are plenty of things that I don’t like but I don’t try to get rid of them. I mentioned oriental food last time, but here’s one a little closer to what’s going on here. I don’t like country music; therefore I don’t tune into country stations when I’m listening to the radio. If I’m flipping through the radio and I hear some country I don’t call the station and ask them what they think they are doing broadcasting that kind of thing over the open airwaves, I just move along. I also don’t like reality television so therefore I don’t watch those shows. Unfortunately it’s so hard to argue with closed minded souls… see you in Hell.

Here Comes Santa Clause

OK, not really, not yet anyway. It’s fast approaching though, Christmas that is. Yesterday while I was at work I was asked to change the station at work from our normally crappy music to even crappier Christmas music. You know, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, why the hell should we be subjected to Christmas Music now? There is no reason for that shit that I can think of. Do they actually think that people are going to hear the Christmas music and go… oh I better buy some Christmas stuff here? It doesn’t work that way, especially this early. What most people will think is why do these stupid fuckers have Christmas music playing already? Of course since I was the one that physically changed the station, I was the one to get all the flak for it. All I know is we got a memo from our corporate office saying: Christmas Music Now. Nice, simple and to the point. So I almost thought about writing back to them and telling them that we had a few Muslims and a few Jews in the store that worked there and they don’t appreciate being subjected to the Christmas tunes all the time… then I realized I don’t really give a shit.

I saw the new 2005 Mustang GT yesterday at the Ford dealer in the town that I work in. Pretty choice if I do say so myself. I have been seeing pictures over the last couple years of what this car is going to look like, but honestly, those pictures don’t do it justice whatsoever. When I was looking at the pictures I didn’t really like the shape or anything of the car, but standing there looking at the real thing I have to say; fucking sweet. So when am I going to buy me one? Well, unfortunately not for some time now. I am still checking into going back to school either for computer networking or web site design (duh). So anyway that is my main financial concern for the next couple years. I am currently a money saving fool and actually have more money in savings than I have for quite a few years. My Mustang that I own now is pretty close to paid off and I have no really large outstanding bills, so I can’t see why I shouldn’t go back to school and try and learn a new trade so I can maybe make some more money out there in the future… then I buy the Mustang. A blue convertible Mustang.

I’m also toying around with different looks for my website although I haven’t totally chosen one yet. I have found a few things online which help me in my blog make picture banners and what not, and I am working on that currently. The new look of the blog looks pretty sweet that I’m working on and I’m pretty sure it will be the look very soon… maybe with a little more tweaking.


I bought the new Eminem CD yesterday. I know that makes like five CD’s that I’ve bought this year… a new record for me considering I used to buy like I’d get an award for having the most CD’s. So far it’s a pretty decent CD, and the song Just Lose it is definitely not an indication of the rest of the album, much like all the other first singles from his CD’s. There’s actually one song on there called Ass Like That where he raps as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog for a while, poking fun at celebrities and somewhat at Triumph as well. Definitely a good CD though.

I see they found Scott Peterson guilty… it’s about damn time. I wonder when they will start pushing for either a mistrial because of the jury changes or for whatever other reason. I say just put him in prison, I’m sure someone will fuck him up pretty bad in there. We can hope anyway.

Today was yet another shitty day in the saga of my job. It was actually going very well until about 11 when the credit card machine wouldn’t take people’s EBT cards. Then I called our corporate tech desk and talked to some asshole there that eventually put me on a speakerphone thereby making it so I could only hear every third word he said. And of course he didn’t really help me either, not that I expected it from that place though. Of course the previous week has been hell too because of all our stupid Christmas stuff that has come into the store that was not in our system. Technically we aren’t allowed to put things into our scanners ourselves because they do it all for us. Well apparently not all, because I had quite a bit that wasn’t in at my level. But of course that wasn’t their fault, it never is. After emailing them about five times I start getting responses back telling me that everything seems to be good on their end, that maybe we will have to put the stuff in on our end… even though we’re not supposed to. Well, if they’re making an exception to that rule then to me that means that they fucked up. Speaking of them fucking up, they sent me 150 turkey pans on Tuesday. Well, I already have 100 sitting around the store, thanks for asking assholes. OK you say, Thanksgiving is coming up and I’m sure they are all going to sell. Shit, we only pay 70 cents a piece for them so I should be able to sell them at a low price and still make a decent profit. That is of course if they were in the FUCKING THANKSGIVING AD. That’s right; they didn’t put turkeys into our big almost two week ad. They are in the ad that ends today, but not in the week where we are pushing Thanksgiving stuff and turkeys. My regular price on these are $2.79 and on Thursday I emailed corporate and asked what the deal was and mentioned that I would like to put them on a deal for 99 cents to go along with the ad. And as you guessed… no response. What a bunch of stupid mother fuckers.

The Wal Mart Woes

I’m looking at revamping the Wal Mart page on my gripes section. Why? Well, because it seems to me that I am missing some points about the double standards that exist there. All I really touched on is that they won’t sell music but they do sell a whole lot of other objectionable things. Well I’ve now seen where they had and then pulled two books off their shelves. One was America the Book from The Daily Show people from Comedy Central. The other one was called When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? from George Carlin. Apparently they decided that they didn’t fit into the feel of the store, unlike all of those slutty romance novels and Cosmo’s at the checkouts. I also looked there last night to see if they had a new videogame for my PC called Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude. They of course didn’t have it, not because it had an M for a rating, but because it had and M for a rating in relation to sexual innuendo. Hell, if it had an M rating because the objective was to kill someone then it would have been just fine. Killing is ok, but fucking is no good by them. In an unrelated note to all of this mumbo jumbo I see the lot clearing is underway for the new super center Wal Mart that is being built in my town. On the corner of the lot there is a big sign that reads: Future home of Wal Mart Super Center. I so badly want to go to the old store and put a big sign up that reads: Future Home of big ass empty building and lot. Yeah, I don’t see it happening either… the sign that is, not the empty abandoned building.

You know, I have been thinking about how lucky the damn kids of today are. If you little shits are involved in a long car ride all you have to do is turn on your DVD player that is in the back seat of most of those shitty mini vans that your parents drive. That or you can plug in your favorite console game in and play that all the way to Grandma’s house. Where was that shit when I was a kid? I never got any of that kind of stuff; in fact it wasn’t even invented then. Do you know what I had for visual entertainment when I was a kid? The View Master. Now that was an awesome little gadget. They would take these stories that you grew up with and condense them down to seven pictures; pictures that I thought were awesomely done in 3D, especially for the time period that they came out in. Of course as a child before the View Master came out with the special lighted attachment, you could only use it when it was sunny out. Of course there were those times when you were being tailgated by the cars behind you and you got to use your VM for a short time. It’d be like, dad, speed up so this guy doesn’t pass us; I’m only on reel 2 of the Flintstones. Those were the days.

Next up; Civil War 2005

Well, it’s the day after and I think it’s rather obvious who will win it; which I guess is good that Bush will finally win a seat in the White House. I wonder if he will run again in 2008 since technically he didn’t get voted in back in 2000… I smell a loophole. So last night I was dead ass tired, and I think I went to sleep somewhere around 10 or even before, which is kind of sad considering that I’m off work today. The good news in all of that is that I missed the endless guessing, er coverage of the all niters on the television making their predictions on who was going to take it this year. Of course, now it’s obvious who is going to take it, the American people… right up the ass. So, I didn’t watch all night mostly because I was sleeping but also because although there are solid numbers involved, there is also a lot of guessing and agendas at hand. This morning when I woke up and turned on the TV and watched a little of this bullshit, I was entitled to this. I turned on both FOX and MSNBC news channels to see both of them saying Bush had 269 electoral votes and Kerry had 238. Then I switched over to CNN and CBS and they were saying Bush had 254 and Kerry had 252 and I’m wondering if someone’s fact checker was taking a nap in the backroom. The only good thing about this election is that Kerry conceded to Bush the day after, and we didn’t have a month-long court battle. Guess it’s back to the ketchup kitchen for him. So now that it’s all over and the election was so close, almost a 50/50 kind of deal, there is only one way to go from here… civil war.

Other than how close the election was, I also heard how divided that this country is on Bush. Half the people hate him, and the other half are idiots. I mean high on their horse Christians? Well, I guess idiots explain it. So, the only way we are going to cleanse ourselves and get our government back on the right track is a civil war. That’s my prediction before the next four years are over. I think that Michael Moore will rally most of Hollywood and most of the music industry and they will grab as many able-bodied Democrats as they can and then they will divide the country in two. I just wonder how they are going to divide it. I mean if they go down the middle from North to South along the Mississippi, then you will either have to deal with the hurricane side or the earthquake/wildfire side. Then again if you divided across then you’d have the North and South sides, and one side would be nice and warm most of the time and the other would be ice cold most of the time. Then there are all the national monuments that will have to be divided up. There’s the Statue of Liberty, the Washington and Lincoln Memorials, Mount Rushmore, the St. Louis Arch and so on and so forth. It’s going to be like one big messy divorce; with guns. Just like a marriage gone wrong in Alabama.

Vote or Die

Not much to say today, still irritated by my job, still thinking about quiting. I’m going to the college tomorrow because they are holding an open house and I’m going to check out what is shaking up there. I am going to look into Networking, although I am going to also see what is offered as far as web page authoring etc… I guess I will just have to see what’s up tomorrow.

It’s election day, and yes I voted for JK. I’m not going to watch the results this year though. The last time I did that I ended up waiting up for the results and they never came in. It was recount, recount, recount. Total bullshit, and not a good way to have the results from my first time voting.

So it’s too late to tell anyone to get out there and vote, but hopefully everyone did, according to what I saw at the polls and from what I’ve heard, the turnout was tremendous.

Tornado Watches and Snow

Yesterday was interesting enough. I got done working around 2 and came home and it was way too warm for the end of October. It was also extremely muggy for October; you don’t normally see a 60 degree dew point in late fall. So of course that resulted in a tornado watch being issued for our area until 9pm and re-issued until midnight. Well of course you would never know that we even had storms last night if you were outside today. I guess that was summer’s last stand and now winter has been given the clearance to show and prove. Snow is in the forecast Monday and supposedly again on Friday. What kind of bullshit is that? Obviously fall and winter are officially here. How can I tell you ask? Because we are turning the clocks back an hour. Although I would never bitch about getting an extra hour of sleep going on here, I would like to point out how completely stupid this is. What the fuck is the point anyway? So I turn my clock back and I get an extra hour of sleep tonight, but then tomorrow night it is suddenly dark out at five o’clock. Now that’s some bullshit.

I got off work today and I stopped at another grocery store because they were selling hamburger for $1.48/lb and I decided I should get myself some. Well I get up front and like a magnet I was attracted to the lane with the girl that had only been working there since this morning. There is some woman in front of me with all kinds of produce and this cashier, and I use this term loosely, was completely dumbfounded by what was in front of her. She took a shot at cucumbers and was correct, but the green onions stumped her. She started the order out by scanning the coupons and she couldn’t grasp that they weren’t ringing up at all. Even I know that you have to have the items scanned before you ring the coupons through, but apparently this girl’s 20 minutes of training didn’t cover that portion. So two hours later after my hamburger had developed E Coli and a host of other potentially serious bacteria growths, I got out of there. And I thought I hated my store.

Then as I’m leaving the store there are about three people standing in the raised median of the divided highway holding John Kerry signs. That’s kind of pointless isn’t it? Look, I’ve kind of stated it before and I’ll run it by everyone once again. If someone wants to vote for George Bush they aren’t going to change their minds because they see a sign with John Kerry’s name on it, even if there is a person attached to it standing in the middle of the road. Let’s break this down to simpler terms. Let’s say George Bush is a Coke, and John Kerry is a Pepsi, ok, following me so far? Now you’re an avid Coke drinker, some might even call you a Coke sucker, especially the ones that drink Pepsi. Now being the Coke sucker that you are, if I stand there and hold a sign that says Pepsi on it, what are you going to do? Unless you are so swayed by a piece of heavy duty paper that bears a name on it, I’m thinking you will keep on drinking your Coke. The same thing goes for the election. That’s another thing that bugs me. When these candidates go out there campaigning they always play their own crowds. How the hell do you expect to make any ground if all you do is talk in front of people that already think you are the shit and are going to vote for you already?

Well no matter how stupid I think the campaigns are and the candidates for that matter, I’m going to vote the same way I did four years ago. Not for GWB.

Fuck Halloween

Honestly for whatever reason, I’m not really to into Halloween this year. It is only five more days from now and I couldn’t give a shit. I have four pumpkings sitting in the garage that I don’t even know if I want to carve. It’s rather unusual for me because normally I like to do that, just haven’t decided whether or not I am going to yet. One of the problems is that I will be working on Halloween this year, as well as having inventory on the day. Nothing puts a damper on Halloween like having inventory on that day. One of the cool things about it being on Sunday though is that maybe some of the uptight religious freaks may get upset about people dressing up like devils and what not on Sunday. Speaking of which, when I was 12 I went to a costume contest at a church dressed as a devil and I won first place. Take that fuckers.

I happened to catch the last five minutes of the Maury Povich show today and surprisingly he was doing a show about women that fuck every man they’ve ever met and then want him to do a DNA test for them so they can figure out who the daddy is. The test I would assume is free as long as you want to take your slutty white trash ass on TV and let the world know you’re a whore. Tonight in the last few minutes of the show that I saw the woman and either her husband or lover or brother, I don’t know because I didn’t see it from the start… anyway they had a 10 month old and she wasn’t sure if it was his because when she got pregnant she was fucking with eight different guys. Well as luck would have it the poor guy turned out to be the father and therefore didn’t call her a stupid bitch and walk out on her (I think I still would reserve that as an option). Maury asked her if her man wasn’t the dad would she want to contact the other men and try to find out who the father was and she said no because she knows they would be nothing but a druggie and she didn’t want to expose the kid to that kind of stuff. So, if her man wasn’t the daddy she didn’t want to explore her other 8 options, then why the fuck did she even waste everyone’s time by coming on the show in the first place? Had the poor misguided soul that turned out to be the father found out he wasn’t the dad, and she wasn’t going to pursue any other of her choices, why did she embarras herself and her man by coming on the show in the first place? If she wants to be a cum catcher than that’s fine but spare me your 15 minutes of fame please.

Four Days Off

Today is Friday for me. I’ve got tomorrow through Monday off so I will be happy for a short time. Anytime I am not working I am happy. Now my company has changed it’s signage yet again. I believe this is the third or fourth time in five years. We have these but fucking ugly yellow signs. We no longer have signs that distinguish between ad items and in store specials anymore; they are all on the same sign. We also have a large list of items that will now carry an “EVERYDAY LOW PRICE” sign on them, as well as all of our private label. Let me repeat that for you… ALL of our private label. That means at any given time our aisles are going to be littered with signs which as far as I’m concerned is going to make it harder for customers to shop because these ugly ass dayglo yellow signs are going to be screaming at them. There is a slight difference between the ad/special signs and the everyday signs, but the fact is that they are all yellow and by god are they ugly. Another thing that they changed was making the scanning policy go away. We used to have a policy where if something scanned wrong that the customer would get the item free of charge. That was then changed to have a five dollar cap on it and now it has been totally dissolved. I am glad that it has been taken away because for the most part it was an abused system. Customers knew that if the product would scan wrong they could get the item free and most of that would get it would make sure they could find the items they thought should be on ad and then go bitch that they didn’t get the sale price and therefore get it free. I just wish I could be at the service counter when the first customer comes up that finds out that the policy is no longer in effect. Just last weekend a lady ended up paying 99 cents for an item that had a sign on it for 89 cents and when she went to the service counter to complain and the girl handed her a dime she blew into a fucking tizzy and told her that she knows our policy and that she is supposed to get the item free. Damn, I wish that shit would have happened this coming weekend.

Yesterday on my day off the corporate office came in and checked out our store to see if we were doing our jobs properly. From what I was told (because I was off of work and had no intentions of driving in on my day off) corporate told my boss that my department was the best looking out of all the stores they have done so far. I figure that either says a lot for me, or not very much for the other stores. I don’t feel that I do a great job in my department. For one I am hardly ever in there anymore. I get to be in there two days a week for sure because of the truck coming in and I need to order on those days as well. And second in case no one has noticed, I don’t really give a shit anymore. I think when you see every option you used to have to make money slowly stripped away (I’ve mentioned it all before, from the loss of cosmetics and toys up to the injection of dollar days and therefore won’t mention it all again) you get a little cold and unfortunately no longer care. That or maybe I’m just an asshole.

Another reason that I am off tomorrow through Monday is because I have to get another year older. 31… fuck. Only nine more of those sunofabitches to go and then I’ll be near 40. That sucks man. I guess it’s not something you can really dwell on, and it does help to have friends that are roughly four or five years older than you so you can go… well at least I’m not as old as your sorry ass.

It’s Armageddon in Wisconsin

It snowed out today. Nothing accumulated or piled up, but nonetheless, it snowed out. October 16th and it had to flurry. Actually I think we have a flurry or two every year by this time so it’s really no big deal, unless you talk to the old people. Because if you ask old man Clarence he’ll surely tell you that this is what it did back in 1925 and that was the worst winter on record and according to the way his knees are aching, he’s pretty sure we’ll have a repeat of that again this year. Actually today while I was at work I overheard these two old women talking and it went something like this… Lady 1 “oh my god did you see it snowing today?” Lady 2 “yes, I just can’t believe it”

Ok, first off it is the middle of October and we are in Wisconsin, somebody explain to me what the big surprise is. I would understand and totally agree with that conversation if it were say… July. But October just doesn’t cut it now does it, at least not those of us still in touch with reality.

Do you know what the coolest thing about this whole election is? It’s the fact that in my lifetime it’s the most active I’ve seen the general public get involved. Whether you are pulling for Kerry or Bush your views are totally represented in this election. Even in our little horseshit local paper in the letters to the editor I see back and forth about both of the candidates. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the war because things like that usually seem to suddenly politically motivate people. I do love how people seem to think that their measly opinion is going to change my mind on how I will vote. It’s like look, if George Bush can’t convince me to vote for him how in the fuck do you think you’re going to pull off the job skipper? You’re not, so put your opinion in your pocket and go the fuck home.

I’m getting sick of work. Let me rephrase that. I’m getting sick and tired of all of the stupid fucking bullshit that I have to put up with at work… yeah, that’s more like it. Our corporate office thinks that everything that we carry in our store needs to go through them first so they can download the prices to our store. That’s fine, except when I send the information to them and then like three weeks later the shit still isn’t in the system. There is also the instance of when we have items automatically subbed to us or we get shit that was ordered six to eight months in advance and that stuff isn’t in our system either. I actually emailed them last week and told them that it was ridiculous and that I was going to get my pricing gun out and start stickering everything. Apparently if you want to get people in a corporate setting excited, you mention something like that. It didn’t fix anything, just got a few empty promises out of people.

Now tomorrow at work there is going to be a new girl working at the service counter. When I say new girl I mean new girl. She has never ran the service counter before. There are a lot of things to know at the service counter so when I asked the Assistant Manager if this girl had any experience she said no, you’re going to have to show her how to open. Of course I had to remind her that I have clue fucking zero about opening the service counter since I have never done it and everything I do over there is based on the roughly 1 and 1/2 hours of total training time that I got over there. So tomorrow should be interesting to say the least and the mood I’m in I doubt I will be any help whatsoever because my main goal at that place is to just get the fuck out of there. In fact that is my new main goal… to get the fuck out of there. Permanently.