Paper or Plastic?

I’m a cash guy, I love the green stuff. That fact alone makes it a little hard for me to go from a cash lifestyle to a plastic one; but I’m making the transition slowly. I liked cashing my checks, getting my cash and filling my wallet up with fresh green money. Now in my new job I have to use direct deposit and I am attempting to make the adjustment from living in a cash world to living in the plastic world. I have my new check card I use and if I really need a cash fix I can always go to my banks ATM and withdraw some money and fill my wallet back up. To give you an idea of how long I’ve been a cash guy, the last time I used an ATM was before the dawn of the so called debit card. The last time I used the ATM, my card was called a TYME card and I went to the TYME machine to use it. My how times have changed.

I do have to admit that it was very nice using it at the gas pump the other day and not even having to walk into the gas station and get tempted by the 5 hour old hot dogs and the nasty triangular things that they claim is pizza or any of the other shit they want to sell me. Ha ha fuckers, who’s the sucker now? Oh shit, I guess I still am, since I just paid $3 a gallon to fill up my car. Damn, that gas is expensive nowadays. Aren’t we currently bombing the shit out of the Middle East? You would think that with all of that the prices would drop a little bit longer. I know, as soon as we let Bush bomb Iran, then the prices will plummet, kind of like his ratings. I think pretty soon his rating will be lower than the gas price. Of course I shouldn’t be bitching about the gas prices since I hadn’t filled up for three weeks now.

I’m now patiently waiting for the weather to improve around here so I can actually enjoy the outdoors and maybe fish and play golf. We were actually in the low 40’s this past weekend with rain and possibly a snowflake or two thrown in, although I will deny that claim because I hate the snow. At least with the weather so shitty I was able to do some major painting and furniture rearranging and I found a bunch of old shit I didn’t even know I had. I found my 9th grade journal from my English class and I might have to put that in a blog entry and let you see where my brain was back as a freshman in high school. The thing I’m probably going to put in here is something I had entitled: My Hate List. Just think, if I had wrote that today and I was in school, I probably would have been suspended and counseled and considered a threat to all my classmates. Nah, these days I would just do the cool thing and put my threats up on my Myspace page like all the other losers do. Not losers for putting threats on a Myspace page, but losers for having and religiously using a Myspace page.


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