Saturday, April 26

Another week done with. I love the weekend, especially if it is going to be nice outside. I am going to be doing some brick work around the pond soon, so that will take a day out of my weekend here, and a few other things too. Once the pond gets going, I will be able to take some pictures of it and actually get that section of the pics going on my picture page. I would like to go golfing today, if I can find someone to go with. I’ll have to check it out.

I found out today that I fit back into some of my old pants again. That is a kickass feeling to say the least. Hopefully within a few more months I will be at my goal weight. I have already lost 45 pounds, and actually want to lose another 60. So maybe it will take a little longer than three months, but hopefully before summer is over.

I am still toying around with ideas for the front of my site here, this is yet another one. I went searching for backgrounds and decided that I would just make my own instead. This is one of my firsts. I am working on a few others that should look pretty cool, using gradients and shit like that.