Saturday, February 1

Well, it started as a good day. I can’t say I am a Space Shuttle nut or anything, but it’s never good to see something like that. So, instead of talking about that, I’m going to bitch about something.

News coverage. This whole tragedy took place 16 minutes before landing, so they exploded and crashed into the earth in maybe 20 minutes time. The problem here is that no matter what time it was today, I turned on one of these news channels and I saw the shuttle streaking through the sky breaking up. How many fucking times do you have to show this? CNN had it on constantly, I’m assuming on a loop on the right side of the screen while they talked to anyone they could grab that’s even looked into space. These news channels are nothing but warts on America’s ass, and until they finally realize that their jobs are to report the news and not exploit it, they will always be a pain.

I got a phone call this morning telling me about this and to turn on the TV, so I did and saw that on CNN, then I flipped to Fox News and the first thing these stupid bastards say is… “is there any indication this is terrorist related?”. I turned off my television right there because I am so sick of these reporters (not journalists because journalists still have some integrity)… I am so sick of these reporters looking for any reason to inject terrorism into something like this just because it’d be good for the ratings. So CNN, FNC, and whatever other news channels there are out there, get a grip, get a life, and oh yeah…fuck you.

RIP to the Columbia Crew, and sorry to all their families that will have to endure the moment of their loved ones death’s being played over and over on cable news channels.