Vioxx and Viagra make a dandy Eggnog

Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to go through and mark Christmas down 75% while people are trying to shop it? Here I am moving shit and I constantly have people asking me how much this is, do I have anymore of this, is this the half price or is it half of this? Fuckers, back up and let me do my job. It won’t be half of anything if you don’t back away from the display and let me and my sign in there. In case you were wondering, I had this experience today. I took my Christmas and marked it down 75% and then in the middle of it apparently people got into the Holiday Spirit and decided to fuck with me. Every time I would stand up there would be someone in my spot rummaging through the shit I just spent 20 minutes arranging. Around 3:00 I just said fuck it and went off and did other stuff for the rest of my day… yes, it must be time to amend the customers suck page.

Speaking of things that piss me off at work, here’s a little snippit of something that is irritating me royally at work and something that will grace my gripes page in the future.

Prescription medications being advertised. Here is how this whole prescription thing should work. I am hurt, I go to the doctor. My doctor and his 7 year degree examines me and tells me that I am definitely in pain and that I need Vioxx. He writes me the prescription out and sends me on my way to the pharmacy where the pharmacist fills that prescription and then I go home and take my damn medicine.

Unfortunately here is how it really works. I am hurt, I go to the store because my ass is too cheap to go to the doctor. I am looking for Advil or Tylenol and then there is a thing sticking out of the shelf telling me about the wonders of Vioxx. I read the pamphlet and think that Vioxx is the best thing since sliced bread. I end up going to the doctor with this wonderful information filled pamphlet and tell a man who has a 7 year degree that this brochure knows more than him and I want Vioxx. To shut me up he writes the prescription out and sends me to the pharmacy where I get my prescription filled and then I get the bill and wonder why the hell prescription drugs are so fucking high priced in America.

At that point I realize that if Vioxx is paying to put their little brochures in every store in America and buying prime advertising space in magazines that it must cost a whole lot of money to do that. I wonder how they make all of that advertising money up? I know, they jack the consumer.

Here is the moral of the story. Prescription drugs are out there marketing themselves towards the everyday consumer like they were fucking peanut butter. As a common everyday citizen you have no fucking idea what the hell is good for you and you definitely shouldn’t be in charge of deciding which medicine you should be prescribed. If you think you do, let me ask you a question. What is the difference between Tylenol Simply Sleep (a medicine to help you sleep) and Benadryl (an antihistamine for allergies)? Absolutely nothing. The active ingredient in both of those is diphenhydramine 25mg.

If we want to stop paying high prices for prescription drugs in this country then we need to stop the drug companies from advertising. Every pamphlet you see, every pen or coffee cup you see at the doctors office or pharmacy, you’re paying for. I’ll leave it at that for now and save the rest of the bitching for the gripes page.