That a bedspread in your pocket?

I survived Monday, hell Tuesday too. Tomorrow is my half day, and I think I might actually have to get my ass outside and do something about the leaf problem. You would think that we could have genetically engineered trees that either don’t lose their leaves, or whose leaves would decompose at an alarming rate. Nope, the damn scientists are too busy trying to clone sheep or some shit. I need someone to work on this pronto. I’m sure we’d put the rake people out of business, but come on. Who doesn’t already own a fucking rake? It would suck a little while for them, but in the long run it would be better off for all. Then again, I might say fuck it until all the leaves are off the tree. I live next to old retired men who apparently have nothing better going on in their lives except cleaning up the leaves. Every night their yards are cleaned up, and every morning they are filled back up. It almost makes me want to set a large fan up in my yard and blow all my leaves into their yard. Hmmm… must get large fan.

I read that Smith & Wesson are going to start marketing home decor, clothing and jewelry just in time for Christmas. Are they trying to capitalize on Martha Stewart or something? Would you buy clothing from the same people that make your guns? I’ve heard of people using their Smith & Wesson to get jewelry from someone, but now you’re going to be wearing it from S & W too. It’s like Mitsubishi, I had a cell phone from them once and I saw a car with the same logo as my phone and I thought…that’s fucked up. First off, the phone sucked major ass, and if they can’t get that right, I wouldn’t even want to ride in the poor excuse for a vehicle. I think companies should just stick to what they make and leave the other shit to the other people. Whats next, is Hanes going to start marketing weapons? The only thing positive to come out of this will be the fun at the airport when someone says something about your favorite shirt and you say I’ve got my Smith & Wesson packed. Just to watch security pounce someone for that will be worth it.

It’s September 10th

Do you know what is one of the more annoying things I’ve had in my life? A daily calendar. I have one that sits arms length away from me on the desk, and as I look at it today, it is showing me a date of September 10. It’s not like its completely out of reach for me to just yank off the old days and throw them away, it’s more of a principle of the whole matter. Just because the day changed doesn’t mean I should have to tear another page off the calendar. When I used to have a wall calendar, it would sometimes be July before I turned the pages from March. Unfortunately that means I will never be Father Time when I get older, because I don’t keep it to well. The other calendar I have now is a desk pad which shows two months at a time. I can deal with that a little easier because it is lower maintenance than the daily calendar which I will probably rip 30 days from as soon as I’m done writing this; if I feel like it.

I have added three more categories to the tips page. A Job Hunting, a Stress Relief and a Golfing Tips page. I think I will take a little break from adding new content now, however I am looking at putting frames on the pages so you don’t have to scroll all the way back up when you are done reading. That won’t be anything that happens in the next few days though.

Word to the Third

It was my day off today. Unfortunately I didn’t really do anything all that great or exciting. The only real good thing is that I have to work tomorrow and then it is the weekend. Other than that, I have nothing to look forward to tomorrow.

When I look at the site stats for this page, I have noticed that there is a lot of people visiting that I don’t know about. I get to see what they typed in the search engine to find it, and what browser they are using, among some other stats. I just went through the entire site tonight and did some minor revamping. I changed up my lists, and gave them all header paragraphs to explain them a little better.

Speaking of my page, I have been getting some extra traffic over at my 3rd Bass site lately. I have been getting emails from different people letting me know that they really appreciate that someone out there put a site up for them. Honestly, the only reason I put the page up in the first place was to play with another page. I didn’t think it would become a 3rd Bass shrine, but I think it’s pretty damn cool. It makes me want to do more on the page, like try and get some interviews from the group and stuff like that. I am working on paper for a slight site redesign over there, although I really don’t have any new content to put up. I am happy with this sites new look, so I will probably leave it alone for a while and concentrate on that page.

Don’t Call Us, We Won’t Call You

I don’t even have a short day to look forward to tomorrow. I am going to take off Thursday all day, so instead of wasting vacation time on that day, I am going to just work my ass off this week and make up for it that way. Why? Because I’m saving my vacation so I can actually take a few days off in a row. I am going to take my Birthday week off again this year. I will work Monday that week, then I will take the remaining days off and enjoy myself…as I turn 29 + 1. Mother fucker.

In case you’ve never been here or seemed to not notice, I’ve changed the look again. As far as the design itself, I guess I like it. The functionality is better than what I’ve done in the past, I just need to get a few more tricks up my sleeve. This is the first time my links haven’t been images. I used CSS to do all the links, so they are just typing, but they still highlight. I seriously need to take a few classes for this, because I truly enjoy doing it, I just don’t have the experience to do great things… yet.

I see the national do no call list is back in effect now. I don’t even have a land line phone anymore, but I was still able to sign up. Hopefully it will keep people from calling my ass on my cell trying to sell me shit. I got so sick of telemarketers when they used to call me up. Half the time they couldn’t even pronounce my name, and the other half they didn’t even have a grasp on the English language. “wood yoow wike to bwuy …” No I wouldn’t, and by the way.. fuck off.

Oh Roy

It’s Sunday, that means back to work tomorrow. Wait a minute, I had to go to work today. Why in the fuck did I do that on a Sunday? I don’t really know yet, but it will buy me a little time off at some point during the week, that’s for sure. Supposedly there were some big wigs stopping by and I had to go in and make sure everything was ready for them. The bad part is that they never really show up anyway. They say they’re going to come visit the store, but they never do.

It’s going to be warm next week. They are saying highs in the middle 70’s. That’s fucking shorts weather after going through highs only in the 40’s and 50’s for a couple of weeks. Too bad it’s not going to get even warmer out, I always like it when the weather does some fucked up stuff that baffles the local weatherman. Just to watch him side step and try to explain something he has no real clue of amuses me.

I saw on the news that Roy of the wonder duo Siegfried & Roy was attacked by one of their tigers live on stage. That would have been worth the price of admission alone. I can see it now reenacted on FOX’s When Animals Attack. Actually they don’t need to reenact it, because it was probably being taped. If not on FOX, then on Real TV. I suppose that’s the first time he was unwillingly mauled by a male. Tiger that is.

Damn, there goes another

You know, I’ve been a little busy the last couple days making a new design for my page. This time I’m fucking around with some pretty major template designing, which so far looks pretty good on my computer, but I will have to see when I get it uploaded. I have made a few minor changes in the pages on the new format, but nothing major.

Holy shit is it cold out. It was only 18 degrees this morning. What kind of bullshit is that. It’s so cold here… “how cold is it Dave?” It’s so cold here that the leaves aren’t even turning colors, the poor fuckers have just frozen and fallen off while they were still green. Ain’t that a bitch?

Well, I’ve been working on the page since I got home from work, and am sick of looking at this computer screen, so I have nothing more to say.

Another month

Well, there’s another month of 2003 gone. Now it’s October tomorrow, damn Christmas is almost here. I’m still not ready for Halloween, in fact I might not do anything for Halloween this year, probably just turn out the lights and go to bed early. What am I going to give the little shits anyway? I’m on Atkins, what will I give out, heads of lettuce? Aren’t you a cute little pirate, here’s a pork chop. Yeah, definitely turning off the lights. Maybe I will watch a scary movie or something that night.

I set up my hat and glove rack yesterday at work, and my ice scrapers. It was cold as hell this morning, and it is going to be even colder tomorrow morning. Shit, we are under a freeze warning for tonight. Unlike a frost advisory where you might get some white stuff on your flowers, this is going to be an anything outside overnight dies kind of night.

I won an award apparently. I may have signed up for it, don’t even remember now. The awards are at the bottom of my main page, so check them out, and if you are your own webmaster, you can click them and try to win them for your site also. Check it out.

You look different

Yeah yeah yeah. I redid the page again. I can’t help it, it seems to be an addiction I have or something. I can’t stay away. I updated the Atkins page last night, and I thought well dammit, I might as well do the whole site. Actually I didn’t do anything to the content pages, just the directional pages, and I gave the blog a fresh new look to match. Other than the Atkins thing, pretty much everything is cosmetic.

This weather is really starting to piss me off. I know October is almost here and all, but does it really have to get down to the 20’s? I know for sure I’ll have to put those ice scrapers out tomorrow, because its going to get real frosty out there. If it snows, I might just snap. Last year we had a hell of a snow on October 21st. I don’t need to go through that shit again. I am kind of wishing that it doesn’t snow at all this year, maybe an inch for Christmas, then that shit can melt right off again.

I hate Sunday nights. You just sit there doing your thing, and everytime you look at the clock, you’re inevitably closer to going back to work. On a side note, whoever invented the digital alarm clock needs a severe beating. The noise those fucking things make to wake you up are some of the most hideous noises I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s no wonder I tend to wake up a half hour before the damn thing rings lately… my brain can’t take that shit anymore.

It’s a Nyquil Night

Another half a weekend gone already. Tomorrow is Sunday and then bam! Work all over again. Speaking of work, I set up cough and cold on Friday. That is always something fun to do. What I really like is the fact that even though the shit that I’m setting up on an endcap is the same that is in the aisle, people just can’t help but try and get in there and buy it. I don’t even have my signs up and they are asking me how much it is. First off if you need this stuff, step away from me when you speak, I don’t need your fucking germs, and next why don’t you walk the extra ten feet and buy it off the shelf where it’s clearly marked. I will probably start putting out window scrapers and shovels next week, since they are calling for overnight lows to dip into the mid 20’s. I’ll repeat that in case you’ve said “no fucking way.” Overnight lows are going to dip into the mid 20’s next week.

I redid my Atkins page in the personal section tonight. I have added quite a few things to it, including all my side view shots and a one week menu. I also have a few pointers on the page in case you had any questions. I did this as an answer to a request from a friend who is thinking of doing this. I think it should be pretty self explanatory. Since losing this weight, I am pretty much bombarded by people wanting to know what I did, how I did it etc… Atkins/low carb is quickly becoming the trend as I can tell from my retail position at work. I think damn near everything is going to be trying to come out with a low carb version of itself, much like the low fat craze quite a few years ago. This is probably a good time to be on the low carb lifestyle because you are going to have quite a few choices.

Damn Turtles

Do you know what one of the hottest new toys is going to be this year? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Didn’t we go through this shit about 18 years ago? I remember these from back in school. You couldn’t go anywhere without seeing something turtle related. Have we completely run out of shit to brainwash the kids with, that we are just going to start reviving shit from the past and pass it on as new? Hey fuck ’em, they weren’t around the first time, they’ll never know; but we do dammit. On the plus side, at least they will be playing with toys their fathers will understand, unlike them fucking Pokemon and Yugioh. I wonder if they are going to at least have better toys this time around, with some kind of funky actions. If they just bring back lame ass figurines it would suck. I guess retro is coming back in. I better dig out all my old blue jeans with the ripped out knees just in case.

I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to explain the way I think, or who I am, and I think I have it. I’m like a little voice in your head. Let’s say you are driving down the road and you see a car sitting on the side with their hood up. You drive by, but then a little farther down the road a little voice in your head says “you should have stopped and seen if you could help.” About 30 seconds later, another voice pops into your head and says “fuck that, they are probably just some psychotic killer looking for another victim.” That second voice is me. In cartoons when someone tries to make a decision, a little angel and a little devil pop up on their shoulders. I need not explain which one I am.

I’ve got gas

It’s Monday already. That’s ok though, it’s nice to get the shitty day out of the way right away, don’t need it hanging around til the end of the week. It is starting to get a little too cold out there for me. I know that tomorrow is the official first day of fall, but the weather doesn’t need to be showing off. 58 for a high just doesn’t cut it for me. It could at least make it to 70 degrees during the day. I don’t care if it is 58 overnight, but lets try a little harder during the day. The sad thing is that in two months, if we hit 58 we’ll all be outside rejoicing in our shorts watching the snow melt.

I noticed that the gas price has been going down lately. It seemed to keep going up, right around the busiest traveling time of Labor Day, then it seemed to start dropping shortly after that. I wonder if that was planned? Right now it is $1.65 a gallon, which is 24 cents less that it was over the holiday weekend. I like how they do that, keeping the price up so fucking high for so long, so that when they drop it to the high price of $1.65 everyone is going, wow… gas sure did get cheap. Hey, remember this shit was was about $1.25 before Bush got into office, of course everything he’s touched has pretty much turned to shit.

I’ve decided that the spot on the right of the main page is going to be my little extra spot. I figure every Monday I will change it. It will either be a link to a cool site I’ve found, or just a special message. I’ll have to see how it all plays out, but so far I like it. This week I’ve decided to put a link up to my own second site, which is my 3rd Bass site, located on a subdomain of this site. Check it out by clicking the link on the right side of the main page.

Waiter, there’s a tooth in my soup

It’s Saturday morning and I slept in. Unfortunately sleeping in now means I sleep until 7am or somewhere around there. At least it is the weekend, although it will be a pants and long sleeve kind of weekend, versus the shorts and t-shirt weekends I’ve had so far. Fall is in the air, and all I have to say is fuck fall. Right now it is 36 degrees outside. For any of you living somewhere that is warm and aren’t sure how that feels, here’s what you can do to feel my pain. Get a fan, open your freezer, put the fan in front of it and blow that onto yourself. That is what Wisconsin feels like. That’s called the wind chill factor.

I saw on the news that some woman found a tooth in her Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. Now she’s afraid to eat soup,” attorney Daniel Irvin said Thursday. She’s afraid to eat soup now? What in the fuck is that about? Be happy, that tooth was probably the healthiest thing that was in that fucking can of soup. At least there was some calcium or something in it, unlike the rest of that salty yellow shit with noodles. You know, I used to eat Campbell’s soup way back in the days, and it seems to me if there was a tooth in there, it would be pretty easy to find and get rid of. Maybe it was a special prize or something, did you ever think about that? Things like this happen all the time anyway. Who hasn’t found an extra body part in a can of something at least once in their life? It said it was a tooth from a 13 year old, no clue how the fuck they figured that out. My thought on this is that the Tooth Fairy is moonlighting at the Campbell’s plant for a little extra dough. Eventually her dollar supply had to run out, poor girl had to make a little extra cash. I just hope they don’t let her go for this one little slip up, otherwise she’ll have to go back to stripping.