It’s Earth Day or something like that…

It’s Earth Day. What did you get for the Earth today? Nothing? You selfish bastards. Unlike some of the fanatics out there, I did not plant a tree or anything along those lines. I think that is so cliche to do. I decided to take Earth Day a little more personal and I figured that I would help out the planet by helping eliminate some extra methane gas from the atmosphere. That’s right, I didn’t fart today. Don’t laugh, sacrifices like this take preperation (possibly of the H variety when I finally let loose) and planning. I had to avoid all Mexican foods yesterday, spicy items and carbs of any kind. Thanks to my personal sacrifice the good people of Earth will be able to live an extra .0000435 seconds before the Earth explodes from methane emissions.

Ah, Friday is upon us finally. It has been a long week of sorts and I am looking forward to the weekend. Of course the weather is probably not going to cooporate but I guess I will live through it all. Of course it could always be worse. We could be getting snow, or even tornadoes. Since this is Wisconsin, both of those are possible in the same day.

Something Wicked This Way Comes

It’s been a weird couple of days weather wise. Friday I got home from work and it was damn near 75 out, so I threw on my shorts and t-shirt and opened the windows up. Roughly and hour later it got chilly and I was freezing my ass off in the house, so I had to shut the windows and put some pants on.

Saturday was basically a repeat of Friday. Got home from work and it was really nice, and about an hour or so later it got cool and somewhat rainy. Saturday night was a real fun one. I had to be to work by 6:45 on Sunday so I needed to get to bed early, but that didn’t happen. I wasn’t quite tired yet, so I didn’t doze off until 9 or so. Around 11 I woke up to hear the lovely sound of hail hitting the house. In a half assed daze I turned on the TV and flipped over to the Weather Channel to see what was going on. It turned out to just be a run of the mill thunderstorm with some small hail in it. Since I was extremely tired I fell back asleep while watching the Weather Channel. Around 2:30 in the morning the warning sound woke me up from the Weather Channel. I woke up to see that we were under a severe thunderstorm warning until 3. I thought wonderful, 60mph winds and 2″ hail. We got hail, but luckily nothing as nasty as what was predicted. I think I finally fell back asleep somewhere around 3:30. My alarm went off at 5.

Sunday was supposed to be the hell day. They had been predicting severe storms with tornadoes ever since Wednesday and today was D-Day. I worked until a little after 1pm and when I got home I was totally exhausted so I lay on the couch and watched TV and dozed off until around 3:30 when the action started in Minnesota. Basically it started off really super with about 8 tornado warnings in Minnesota and then crossing over into Wisconsin, but it pretty much died down by the time it got to us around 8pm. We just got some heavy rain and some major lightning and thunder. Luckily I was able to get my ass to bed early and catch some sleep.

Of course the topper to all of this was when i got up this morning and looked outside and saw that the grass was green. What a wonderful site to see. Green grass means that my ass will be doing yardwork by the weekend. Sonofabitch.

AOL Sucks too

I’ve had this site up in this form or another for roughly eight years. Most of my ramblings on the main site are gathered from the past eight years when I would write things down and post them, pre-blog. One of my rants was about Wal Mart. Now I’ve bitched about them in the blog and I even have a page in my gripes section called Wal Mart Sucks. In case you’ve never read it I basically just bitch a little because they don’t bother to sell any music with explicit lyrics in it, but they do sell R rated movies and guns and cigarettes and magazines that are somewhat questionable (read the cover of Cosmo and tell me how many times you count the word orgasm).

Well, last night I got an email from someone that doesn’t agree with me. Unfortunately for the person that emailed me, they have no ability to argue their case whatsoever. Here is the one lined email I received.


That’s it, that is all it said. Get a life huh?

First off, I’m not the one that is sending an email to someone I don’t know defending (can this be defined as defending even?) a company that is worth 100,000 times more than myself.

Second, I’m not on AOL and I don’t normally type in all caps, I usually leave that for the teenagers that don’t have a life. I guess I didn’t realize those kids that bring the carts in at Wal Mart had such strong opinions of their employer.

Am I to understand from this message that if I wanted to get a life that I should perhaps get a job at Wal Mart? Life sure would be grand if I worked at Wal Mart wouldn’t it? The only problem is that I would have to take a pay cut of probably more than half of what I am making now to work there. Perhaps then me and cart boy could form a strong friendship and he could teach me the way of the big WM. I would then delete my anti-Wal Mart pages off the net and we could all sing songs and rejoice in happiness.

Of course, if I want to go after this with the immaturity level that was brought then I guess I could say something like this: WHY DON’T YOU TAKE WAL MART’S DICK OUT OF YOUR ASS AND SHOVE IT BACK IN YOUR MOUTH SO YOU WILL SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (See, I can talk AOL Idiot too)

Fuck me… Windows Me that is

I spent the better part of my day off trying to fix someone’s computer. First off the damn thing is a Gateway. Anyone I’ve known that has had a Gateway hasn’t had too many kind words to say about it. Well, not only was it a Gateway that I had to contend with, this sonofabitch also had Windows ME on it. I don’t know if I’ve ever really bitched about ME on here or not, because I don’t remember how long ago I had it on my computer. I know that today was the first time I have seen a Kernal Error in anything since I had ME on my old computer (the Compaq). The computer that I am attempting to repair is about four years old and it has no balls anymore compared to today’s standards. The poor thing is completely bogged down with spyware and viruses and trojans which I think I removed about 90% of today. I’m hoping that tomorrow or possibly over the weekend I will find time to finish it off… I mean up. If not I can always go into the garage and grab my trusty sledgehammer and make short work of it.

During my long day of tech support I decided that I would get the fuck out of the house and hit the driving range for a while. It felt pretty good, although I will probably end up pretty sore tomorrow. Oh well, what can you do? I’m already somewhat sore from the weekend playing a little impromptu baseball and from Monday pulling boxes down from the overheads at work by my damn self. I guess that’s why I have some Arthicreme left over from my accident last summer. Just for moments like this. I always have my good friend Ibuprofen that I can call on in case the pain gets a little too intense. I highly doubt that it will be that bad.

At least the weather cooperated slightly today. It started out by raining some and then it dried up and the sun came out for a while. Not long enough to push us into the 70’s like the weather assholes had mentioned last night at 10, but into the 60’s at least. Now we are looking at some old fashioned thunderstorms to roll in on Sunday. Of course the weather dude is talking that these might be severe thunderstorms. First off, how the fuck would they know that on Wednesday? They can’t even get tomorrow’s temperature right for Christ’s sake. Second, they told me on Tuesday that it was going to storm on Friday, then on Wednesday they told me Sunday. Stupid bastards, eliminate another day of golf from my week.

Jesus came back for a chocolate bunny

Last week I was off on Wednesday and I had planned on going out to the driving range so I could hit a few golf balls. That never happened because it had to fucking rain (of course). Tomorrow though is a totally different story. It is going to be damn near 70 degrees tomorrow and beautiful. If that actually pans out then I will be out on the range hitting a few dozen golf balls and seeing how many swings it takes to feel the burn in my shoulders and back once again. Hey, it only hurts the first few weeks right?

I see that Jesus did indeed resurrect on Easter; at least at the movie theater. The Passion of the Christ rose to the number one spot again as all the religious people that are supposed to be celebrating his resurrection decided they wanted to go the the movies and watch him die all over again. Can’t you people just color eggs and eat chocolate like the rest of us?

I was looking through an old Enquirer or one of those trash mags at work and they had an article about the Passion and then next to it they had a contest and 100 lucky winners would get a necklace with the nail on it… you know the nail that they nailed Jesus up with. Who the hell would want that? I don’t see that as any testement of your faith. Hey look, I’m styling over here with my Jesus Nail necklace. Personally I think the cross itself is somewhat sadistic and I have never understood why the Christians looked upon the cross as a symbol of their religion. Jesus was nailed to a cross to die, the cross is no different than a gun or knife or electric chair. It was a means of death, nothing more. Everytime I drive by a church, there is a giant cross upon the top. If Jesus had been executed by a firing squad, would there be a gun on top of your church?

I guess all I’m trying to say is happy belated Easter, now eat your goddamn jelly beans and leave me alone.

Take that ya floppy ear bastard

You know, every once in a while I read a wonderful holiday story that just warms my heart and makes me realize that we are all on the same page. Well, not this time. I always thought that the church was supposed to teach love and things such as that. Apparently this church didn’t figure that out…

GLASSPORT, Pa. – First, the Passion of the Christ. Now, the torment of the Easter Bunny?
It may not have been as gruesome as Mel Gibson’s movie, but many parents and children got upset when a church trying to teach about Jesus’ crucifixion performed an Easter show with actors whipping the Easter bunny and breaking eggs.

People who attended Saturday’s show at Glassport’s memorial stadium quoted performers as saying, “There is no Easter bunny,” and described the show as being a demonstration of how Jesus was crucified.

Melissa Salzmann, who brought her 4-year-old son J.T., said the program was inappropriate for young children. “He was crying and asking me why the bunny was being whipped,” Salzmann said.
Patty Bickerton, the youth minister at Glassport Assembly of God, said the performance wasn’t meant to be offensive. Bickerton portrayed the Easter rabbit and said she tried to act with a tone of irreverence.

“The program was for all ages, not just the kids. We wanted to convey that Easter is not just about the Easter bunny, it is about Jesus Christ,” Bickerton said.

Performers broke eggs meant for an Easter egg hunt and also portrayed a drunken man and a self-mutilating woman, said Jennifer Norelli-Burke, another parent who saw the show in Glassport, a community about 10 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

“It was very disturbing,” Norelli-Burke said. “I could not believe what I saw. It wasn’t anything I was expecting.”

Ok, I don’t even know If I have anything to add to this. Ok, yeah I do have one thing to add. What the fuck? Did it ever perhaps work into the minds of these halfwits at the church that maybe, just maybe a four year old doesn’t need to see this shit. If they were watching a violent cartoon or movie I’m sure the church might say something. I guess since it happened to Jesus then it’s just fine.

Some hardcore church people might say, well without Jesus there would be no Easter; and to that I say without the Easter Bunny there would be no chocolate eggs.

How does that work?

OK, I just read that J-Lo’s mom won 2.4 million dollars at the casino in Las Vegas. How in the hell does that work anyway? Her daughter is a “multi-talented” performer who has made millions of dollars and now her mom wins that much on a slot machine.

I guess I’ve been going about winning money all wrong here. I have devised a full proof plan now. I must have a daughter immediately. My daughter must become famous and controversial. She must sleep her way around and get married and divorced many times. She must become so succesful that good or bad, she is a household name. Once that all happens, then it’s off to Vegas for daddy. I’ll go pull the one arm bandits a couple times and wham… instant millionarre. Well, I can dream can’t I?

At least tomorrow I am off of work and plan on hitting the driving range. It is actually going to be semi decent outside. Of course it is supposed to snow now on the weekend, so there goes any chance of summer showing up. It should still be a great day tomorrow, considering no work and temps in the mid 60’s. I think a date with the driving range is just what I need to clear my head out… and throw my back out.

Belated April Fool’s Day

Damn, I totally missed April Fool’s day. Well, it’s not like I slept through it or something, I just forgot to do anything evil and mean to people. You know what the big joke was? It was me having to work at 6:45am on Sunday morning. You know Sunday, the morning we had turned the clocks ahead. The morning I lost an hour of sleep the night before. That Sunday. April Fool’s Day fucker.
It was another Hell week last week. As I mentioned I worked the whole weekend, but that wasn’t the worst of it. Thursday we had some people from corporate come in and they took down a 16′ display area out of our store to make it more open. I also had one of my endcaps shortened to match the aisle profile. I’d say they cut roughly 2′ off of it. That looks better now also, but I still had to take everything off of there and throw it into carts and then later when the endcap was back together reload everything back into it. Then I had my Saturday and Sunday fun in the office and then back to work today. I work tomorrow and then I’m off Wednesday.

I see Matrix Reloaded is coming out tomorrow. I was hoping there would be a trilogy released so I could buy the whole thing at once. I only own the original Matrix now; and that is on VHS. I guess I will have to buy each one seperately if I want them then.

If you’re going to make a scene, make it a good one

It hasn’t been a long time since I’ve posted but it feels like it. I have gone through some changes on my site(s) in the last month.
On the 3rd Bass page, I have made it three pages. There is the 3rd Bass page, the Pete Nice page and the MC Serch page. I have also created a phpbb forum for the site HERE. Have to say thanks to Nola for talking me through the basics and some installation help getting it set up and running.

On this site I finally have a real blog (you’re reading it now). It is run by Movable type. I was able to pre date all of my old posts and put them in here, so I am whole again. The old way of blogging is gone and so is Bravenet’s free blogging service. I have a guestbook now as well, which is linkable from my main site but you can click it here incase you’ve accessed this page directly.

The installation of the guestbook and the message board and the blog was different than things I’m used to. I’m strictly an HTML guy, so the phpbb and working with cgi was a little more than I’m used to, but luckily I was able to pull it off with a little help.

Maybe I’ll get back to posting on a regular basis again.


Although you probably can’t tell just by looking at it, I’ve moved. Unless you saw the couple days where there wasn’t anything here but the good old “Service Temporarily Unavailable” page you may have not known that.

The reason was quite simple, more bang for my buck. Yahoo has been jacking me $8.95 a month for the last year to host my site. They offered me no ability to have any type of database on their server to my knowledge. My new host is offering me up to five databases and 8 times the storage space for $49.99 for the entire year, and in case you didn’t do the math in your head, Yahoo was charging me $107 a year for a lot less service.

Seriously though, no ill feelings toward Yahoo… honest.

Back home, finally

I’m back. I was in Sioux Falls South Dakota yesterday and most of today. I left my house at seven in the morning on Tuesday and drove almost two hours to a neighboring store where I met my ride. Now I drive a Mustang and he drives a Grand Marquis, which is by any means a grandpa car. However, apparently grandpas drive in luxury, because he had shit in there that my car has never seen. One thing that stuck out in my mind was the temperature control. He sets it to 70 and the car maintains that temperature until he changes it. Now on my car it works a little different. I basically have two settings. My car is either fucking cold or fucking hot. Those are the choices, pick one. It took roughly five hours to get to Sioux Falls from the store. Once we got there we checked into our rooms.

We stayed at the Sheraton, which was hella sweet if I do say so myself. Unfortunately there was work to be done. We found out that we had our Halloween and Christmas orders done for us already by corporate, because if anyone knows my store, it’s those assholes. Last year we were dumped on horribly with a shitload of toys that were unappealing and overpriced. Due to our poor sales last year, this year they ordered nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, but I’d say a little closer to some window clings, some bows, some 3 roll wrap and some votive candles. That’s all they fucking ordered for us. No Christmas lights or anything. Apparently if you don’t advertise shit and it doesn’t sell, then the next year you just say fuck it and don’t order anything. What do I know anyway, I’ve only been doing this for nine years.

Patiently waiting for whatever comes next

Well, I see my domain transfer is still in the ass dragging stage, so I guess the move isn’t going to happen quite yet. Stupid fucking domain transfers. I am in the process of splitting my 3rd Bass page into three separate parts for this move. It is looking pretty good so far, hopefully I can debut it within the next week or two, if 100megs gets Yahoo to give that shit up.

I got an email yesterday from some dumbass about cross linking with their site. As you will be able to tell once you read this, it was definitely either computer generated or written by someone with clue fucking zero. I am contacting you about cross linking. I am interested in because it looks like it’s relevant to a site for which I am seeking links. The site is about American white water rafting trips. Our site provides information, which allows visitors to make the most of their white water rafting vacation. Hmmm, let me look around my site quick. Hey, I don?t see a fucking thing on here about White Water Rafting. I have gotten a few of these stupid ass emails since having my site and I just click the delete button when I see that.

Hey, I walked into work on Thursday after taking a day off and found out there was a major reset in the pet aisle. The good part was that I didn’t have to do anything with it; the bad part was that nobody fucking told me or the grocery manager that this was going to be happening. Oh wait, I take that back. One day after the reset was done we got the email telling us that in a short time resets will begin on pet sections?. Well, who in the fuck was sitting on that information up at corporate? I swear that in my company the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? of course I know they’re both jerking off.