Shut Up and Listen to Me

I’ve been working in the pricing department as the pricing manager in my store now since June of last year. The old pricing system was a DOS based system running on an old computer that was running Windows 95 even though it wasn’t advanced enough to be running Windows 3.1. Well, my system that I use is running on Windows XP Professional and my pricing program is a Windows based operation. I’ve been working on Windows since it started back in the days so I’m very familiar with it. My first Windows based PC had 3.1 on it and I remember upgrading it to 95, then the next computer I bought had 95 on it and I upgraded that to 98 and the next computer had 98 on it and I upgraded it to Me… which in hindsight was the biggest fucking mistake I ever made. I upgraded that computer again to Windows XP because I was sick of getting a fucking kernel error every time I tried to do something complicated; like move the mouse. Anyway, what I’m getting at here is that I’m familiar with my computers and with this pricing program. In fact I’m so familiar with it that ever since it has started I have kind of become the pet project store for the corporate office.

Whenever there is something new that they want to try they just install it on my computer and then give me a call the next day and ask me how it worked. It usually goes like this:
“Hey Dave, yesterday after you left we dialed in and installed a fix that will allow you to export a batch quicker than normal; how’s that working?”
“Um, its working fine I guess, although if I had known something had been updated I would have actually paid attention earlier when I was using that function.”

This has been going on since roughly a month after I took the pricing manager job. Now the real fun begins because I was recently asked to do some training for the new stores that will be going to this program from the old one. I will be tapped to do four training sessions between April and November and I may even get to go as far as Rapid City South Dakota (which is one of my favorite places anyway) and even Omaha Nebraska which I’ve never been and probably will never want to again from what I’ve heard. I will get set up with a laptop computer and a cell phone from the office so I can be on call and I will be able to dial into other people’s computers and work on them from wherever I’m at. Hopefully they won’t call my ass at home.

Hey, let’s get away from my job and talk about my old job there. I did HBC for over 10 years at that store and although I didn’t think it would bother me too much to see how much the department has gone to hell, it does. Some of the Christmas stuff wasn’t put out until about a week before Christmas. When I left the department all they did is put one of the cashiers into there. I was in full swing with pricing so my ability to train was zilch. I still get asked to do some shit and I’ve made mention that I have my own responsibilities and this is no longer my concern or responsibility. Most of my days are booked so I don’t have time to baby-sit my old department at all. I do see it while I’m out hanging tags and I hate seeing all of the holes on the shelves and the way some of the shit looks but what can I do? I think enough of the department to be concerned but not enough to do anything about it anymore; it has been 8 months since I stopped doing it for Christ’s sake. Oh the tales I could tell.

Show Me the Money… Well at Least My Money

Hey, it’s finally time for taxes. About half the population likes that and the other half dread it. I am one of those that get a refund back so I’m more than happy for tax time to roll around so I can get a lump of money directly deposited into my checking account. This year between state and federal I’m getting close to $1,300 back and I’m happy. I’m not sure exactly why I’m so happy considering that I’m not winning the lottery or some jackpot but only getting money back that was mine in the first place that if I had put into a savings instead of “loaning” to the government at least I would have made some interest on.

I guess I’m just happy that even though they felt the need to take that money from me, they at least are giving some of it back… you don’t get that from most thieves. Now of course the important question gets asked… what am I going to do with all of that money? Gee, am I going to buy a new 2005 convertible Mustang? Will I get myself a brand spanking new computer, a new I Pod, perhaps a mail order bride? Well actually it will be none of the above, well with the exception of the I Pod. I am seriously thinking of getting some mega MP3 player although I’m not sure which one I want to go with yet. I like the ones that can also hold and show your pictures and your videos but also cost close to 300 or 400 bucks and then I think why not just spend another 300 and get a fucking laptop computer?

I am also entertaining the idea of getting a couple things for my computer, one is another hard drive so I can get into video editing and not fill up my current drive and the other is a shitload more memory. However, as far as the rest of the money goes, it will all go into savings because that just happens to be the mode that I’m in lately. I want money and that’s all I want. I have a lot of material shit currently and although I don’t really ever plan on selling myself short on stuff, I’m also a hell of a lot more frugal when I’m making my choices. You do realize that the old me would have had a new MP3 player by now, not to mention a digital camera that is around 8 megapixels and perhaps a camcorder as well. I don’t have any of those things though. I still have my digital camera which I believe is somewhere in the area of 2.2 megapixels and I don’t own a camcorder and the MP3 player I do own is not even 1GB.

Maybe if I feel like it I’ll do another blog tomorrow and talk about some work stuff that is going on… maybe; don’t get your hopes up or anything.

What’s Old is New Again

Come on everyone and check out this shit. This is the concept for the new Chevrolet Camaro that is most likely going to be released. With the exception of that humungous Chevy emblem on the grill I have to say I really like it. It is very reminiscent of the 1969 Camaro to me.

This makes me wonder why is it that as a culture we are renewing everything that was once old. Just think about it, all of our old TV shows are now on DVD. Sure, you can go buy Sex & the City or Family Guy on DVD, but you can also go out and buy I Love Lucy or any other various show you may have watched when you were younger on DVD now. Then you go to the movies and realize that most of the stuff that is being put out by the theaters has already been put out in the past and you are watching a remake.

When I first thought of this, I was in the mindset that people don’t have any more new or good ideas and we are just rehashing old shit because we can’t think of anything new… but now I have a new twist on this. Maybe it just plain sucks these days, and we just want to remember the good old days of yesteryear when life was simpler. Yeah, that’s it… that’s the ticket.

Friday the Umpteenth

Why are people so superstitious these days? For Christ’s sake people, it’s 2006 despite what I’m still writing on my checks. Just because it’s Friday the 13th, people seem to think that horrible things are going to happen, like another shitty horror movie being released. Nothing bad is going to happen to you on this day and if it does it’s because you did something stupid, not because of what the day on the calendar says. Get a grip people and shut the fuck up. Then we factor in the fact that there is a full moon and people get all weirded out. Oh my god a full moon on Friday the 13th… surely we’ll all parish now. This is almost as annoying as the people that have to say “see ya next year” on December 31st; yeah, they annoy me too.

The End of 2005

I know it’s the last day of the year and I should do what every other retarded publication and news organization does and run down the top whatever of 2005 and point out useless shit that we all forgot but honestly, how lame is that? Instead, I would rather do what I do best and end the year out right by bitching about something.

We had another major meltdown at work this week. Our main register cacked out on us at some point on Wednesday night, and since I do pricing, the main register is a little bit important to me. See, all of the pricing that is sent to me that I make tags off of gets sent up to the main registers and that is how the stuff rings up at the registers. Do you see the predicament I was in? None of my price changes or ad items were going up front meaning that nothing was ringing up correctly if it came to my computer on Thursday or Friday. Stop, I know what you’re thinking; but Dave, if the problem happened on Wednesday, why were you still having problems on Friday. Well, that’s just what makes the story that much better to end the year on. Thursday morning when I get to work at 4am I check out this note left saying all this has happened and it says that it should all be repaired by Thursday by noon.

Thursday noon rolled around and guess what, no fixed system. I got a hold of someone at my office who told me that no one would be there until after four in the afternoon, so I just took off for the day. I figured that if they were going in on Thursday afternoon we’d be rolling by Friday morning. Wrong again.

Enter the snowstorm; Friday morning rolls around and I’m all ready to go into work and send all of Thursday’s stuff to the main register and I look outside and there is about 2” of snow outside. That’s just great, now I have an 18 mile drive to work on shitty roads. I finally get to work in the lovely weather and find out that the problem still wasn’t fixed and worse yet there are notes telling us if something was wrong or even if they are coming back on Friday. I had gone in at four in the morning again so there was nobody I could call that early, I had to wait until 6 in the morning. Once I got a hold of them I learned that they knew nothing more than I did, so it was back to the waiting game. Eventually I found out that they installed the new hard drive but they didn’t know how to partition it so they just left and they would be back before noon on Friday. Apparently in their world before noon equals noon because that is when they showed up to fix this bullshit. I asked how long it would take and he said about 45 minutes. I thought hot shit I’ll just stick around and wait. I mention that my office said it would be around 5 hours for this to get done and he goes… well yeah, it’ll take me about 45 minutes to get the hard drive set up but it will take around 4 hours to load everything into it. Well, fuck that noise, I decided to go home and come back later. I told them to call me when everything was working correctly and I could come in and finish everything up. I got the call around four telling me that the guy left and it would take about two more hours for everything to load up so I figured around six I’d leave and go finish up. I took off around six which was just in time for round two of the snowstorm and some more glorious driving. I get there and I see that the register is working just fine so I go into the back to do my thing and I find out that there is still some sort of connection error for this goddamn thing. I end up calling retail tech and letting them know what’s going on and about an hour and three phone calls later I ask if there’s any point in me sticking around for this shit. I was told that nothing would be resolved anytime soon so I might as well head out. Great, now I get to drive for the third time in shitty weather on roads covered with snow and slush.

This morning although I never got any phone calls from anyone at tech support, who I gave my cell phone number to) I found out through work that the connection was fixed and working. Around 11 this morning I went in and did my thing which took a good hour and a half and finally put all of this bullshit behind me. What a shitty way to end off the old year.

Christmas & the Seven Deadly Sins

Everyone knows that Christmas is a religious holiday even though non religious people like me celebrate it every year. Now when I say non religious all I’m really saying is I don’t bother with that whole church thing. I’ve never really understood the whole going to church thing myself since I think if you are a truly religious person you don’t need the church. The church only wants your money, plus it’s really hard to pick up chicks in church, although on the plus side, they have a lot of practice screaming ‘oh God’.
As I was saying, I now know why that Christmas is a religious holiday. It’s because taking part in the holiday exposes you to the Seven Deadly Sins and what is more Christian than that? Let’s get to it shall we.
GREED: Come on people, this one is a no brainer here. Every time you are asking for a present you are showing your greed. Yeah, you say you don’t ask for a present but you sure as hell drop hints here and there don’t you. You’re shopping in the store and you see stuff you like and you say, wow… my friend Jerry has that new I Pod over there, that’s really a cool thing, wish I had one too. In fact doing that you just committed a second sin too, but we’ll get to that one next.
ENVY: This is what you get when you are looking at shit that other people have and are thinking about how bad you want what they have. The fact that you’re pining over Jerry’s I Pod makes you envious of him and his stuff and makes you a sinner. This shit even happens at the Christmas parties. You open your shitty sweater and Tom opens up his new set of golf clubs and you stew in the corner with your new attire… that’s envy; sinner.
LUST: I know what you’re thinking, how can lust work into Christmas, unless of course the women like fat guys with white beards and red clothing. Well, aside from that there are other things. First there are the skimpy Santa-like outfits for women at the stores. You know the lingerie type stuff that is hanging on the rack and you walk by and start thinking about who you’d like to see in it? Yeah, lust.
PRIDE: Pride is all over during Christmas. Usually it comes from you putting out enough Christmas lights on your house and in your yard to drain the local power company and cost you enough to feed a homeless family for a month. Once you’re done you stand back with pride and look at your decorated yard… as small planes mistake your yard for a landing strip. That’s pride and you’re a sinner.
WRATH: Wrath comes in many forms at Christmas. The first is the people that don’t get what they want for Christmas. Sure these days you can take back the present the day after Christmas but that means you stand in line for hours which can really bring out wrath. That is another large bringer of wrath; trying to shop in the stores at Christmas time. Anyone who has had to wait in line at the store during the Christmas season definitely has experienced wrath.
SLOTH: Sloth is usually attributed to being a lazy bastard, and many people are during Christmas. However, sloth means more than that, it also means apathy and apathy means you stop caring. Personally I can’t blame people for not caring because after trying to cram all of that fake niceness into a couple weeks around Christmas you really get sick and tired of all of these charities begging for your hard earned money. Just think if you dropped money into the bucket for the needy every time you walked by and the person ringing the bell gave you the guilt trip look… you’d be broke; so you stop caring. You damn sloth.
GLUTTONY: I saved this one for last because I feel it is the most obvious of all sins this time of year. Let’s face it, this time of year we become human vacuum cleaners, eating everything in site. Oh look a new kind of candy, let’s eat it. Oh wow, I didn’t know they made chocolate pumpkin pie, let’s eat that too. It’s so bad that you have to swear for a new year’s resolution that you will go on a diet… you fucking glutton.
See, as great as Christmas is and as many presents as you’ll get, you’re still nothing more than a sinner… seven times over.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

10 Days and Counting

I’m still not done with my Christmas shopping yet. I know it’s probably a sin but I do truly think that I will be done after tomorrow. I only have one more person to buy for and I actually have a good idea of what I’m buying, so we’ll see. Once I get done with that then I will have to wrap the presents. That’s one thing I never really understood was the whole wrapping ordeal. I buy you something, something you probably won’t even like by the way, and then I have to conceal this item with colorful paper when I give it to you. Once I give you the present, you will then rip the pretty paper off of the present with no second thoughts. Then again, there is the other type of person, and sorry ladies, but usually it’s a woman; this person will carefully remove the paper from the package like she’s working a crime scene and try and save it. Why are you saving it, the paper only costs about $1 for 50 feet of it, and you know if I own it my cheap ass bought it last year after Christmas for only 50¢. I don’t know why some people have to save it but regardless if they save it or destroy it I already know that the present is probably going back… why you ask, because after spending 10 minutes on the paper, the present only gets about a 10 second look and a quick thanks then it’s onto the next one.
We had our first major snowstorm of the year yesterday. I still left for work at 4:30 in the morning and drove in the shit Wednesday. The prediction was that we would get anywhere from 9” to a foot of snow and it would really pick up midday Wednesday. I went in early and ended up leaving around 7am and I took today off. I think I should have worked because I ended up retiling a bathroom. Luckily it was vinyl tiles and not ceramic tiles because even I’m not up for that kind of shit. My body is sore in places I didn’t know it could be sore in. I think I’ll be up for a little pain tomorrow because I’m sure after I sleep on it it’ll hurt even more in the morning. Hey, I was talking about snow wasn’t I? The one think that was nice about the snow is that my snow blower started up right away yesterday and I was able to go out and take care of that shit right away. If you’ve ever been in a snowstorm and you’ve just snow blown, then you know what comes next. I would say roughly five minutes after I did the driveway the snowplow drove by and filled the end of it. Bastards.

Damn You December

Well, it’s already the fourth of December and I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping yet. I know what your thinking, but Dave, you’ve got a good 19 and a half days to finish that shit, don’t sweat it. Well, I don’t know but I think it would be nice just one year to actually finish my shopping early. Sure the selections are less and the shopping is easier the longer you wait, because hey if the store is out of half of the shit then you’ve got that many less decisions you have to make… sounds simpler to me. Maybe my Christmas spirit is coming back, you never know stranger things have happened. If it is coming back it’s because I don’t have to deal with the stupidity of Christmas merchandising this year. If there was one thing I always hated it was being in charge of putting out the holiday shit every year. Every year it was the same shit, I’d put out Halloween around the first or second week of September and then I would mark all of the shit that didn’t sell down around the 20th of October and then after Halloween I would mark that shit even farther down. Of course right after Halloween was done I’d start setting up Christmas. I know what you’re thinking, what about Thanksgiving? Well you know what, fuck Thanksgiving because that was more of a grocery than a GM holiday anyway. Sure you’ve got your cheap ass turkey/meth making pans you put out for under $1 and you’ve got the baster tubes and lacers but those are all second fiddle to the turkey and stuffing really. As the GM manager I had to worry about all of the lame Christmas trinkets that nobody was going to buy from me anyway and know that everyone was going to wait until after Christmas to buy everything because they expected the half off sales to come. Now all I have to worry about is whether or not there is a sign or a tag on all of that bullshit. It sure would suck to still be stuck in the HBC/GM department… I feel sorry for anyone that is.
I just ordered myself a shitload of DVD’s again. I think I just did that a few weeks ago and got myself set up with all the George Carlin DVD’s and a few others. This time I ordered ten more on Saturday and then I had to spend my Fun Cash before the end of the year so I just ordered five more from that today. I have kept track of everything I’ve spent on movies through Columbia House since I started in the club and they do actually save you money if you are willing to buy more than one DVD at a time. My average cost for DVD’s is under $11, which you have to remember includes all of the 4 Aqua Teen sets and my two George Carlin sets that would have cost me over $60 a piece at the store. Merry Christmas to me indeed.

The Blackest Friday

Let’s just say that I had to work on Friday morning at 5 am which is my regular time to go in. That helped solidify the thought of me not going anywhere near a store Friday morning. There was no chance whatsoever of that happening anyway because as we have discussed in detail in the past; I’m really not too fond of people. I think the reason that they call it Black Friday is because when you leave the stores, you are black and blue. God damn people are crazy bastards aren’t they? When you get all of these lazy bastards up around 4 in the morning and then pile them all up into the store at one time together you have to expect problems, which is why people are fighting in Wal Mart. Another reason that people are fighting at Wal Mart is because they advertise shit at this unbelievable price and draw you in. Hey look at these laptop computers for under $400, come on in and get one Friday morning. Let me just say that I looked at the laptop and just because it is a laptop does not make it a good laptop. I wouldn’t have paid anything for it, and if I did get a laptop it wouldn’t have been that piece of shit. How many people were probably at Wal Mart that early in the morning? Realize that a lot of people weren’t even able to get a hold of a cart and they have a shitload of carts in those stores. That means that there were more people than carts in the store before six in the morning; and most of those fuckers didn’t even have their first cup of coffee yet. The next part of this equation is that you have to know there weren’t 800 laptops in each store, more like 18, and that’s being generous. So roughly 500 people, 18 laptops and no coffee; shit, where’s the camera crew when you need one? Orlando Florida, that’s where the camera crew was at. You know damn well that the morning news crews don’t give a lick of shit about people shopping; they are just hoping to god a fight breaks out and they will be there live to catch it on camera. Yeah, a good fight or a great stampede on morning television; nothing brings in the holiday spirit like watching a bunch of cranky cocksuckers being trampled by other cranky cocksuckers. That is definitely must see TV. When these awesome deals are in your paper you need to look at it and realize that half the time the shit that they are selling isn’t top quality, it’s more along the lines of mid to low quality shit. Aren’t you glad you got up for that shit?
Remember a day or two ago I was bitching about the tabloids talking about Jen and Brad and Angelina and Tom and Katie? Well, now they are going to have a new story and I won’t have to see those five degenerates on the front pages, I’ll be subject to Nick and Jessica on the front pages at least through Christmas if not beyond. I’ll get to read about who they are fucking now, what broke them up and the once in a while story of them getting back together. Sadly this will sell millions of papers because that’s all the American public really cares about. Foreign policy or political things, most people either don’t have an opinion about it and they sure the hell won’t read about them, but give them a story about two people who end their marriage and you’ve got a best selling story. No wonder the average IQ in this country is continuing to slip more and more every year.
I didn’t fall asleep last night until after 1am and then like clockwork I woke up at 4am like I was going to work. I didn’t have to go to work today and luckily I didn’t. I got up, did the bathroom thing and then went back to bed. About 30 minutes later I heard this weird ass noise which woke me up and I didn’t know what the hell that was all about. It was loud banging and rattling outside. Had it been June or July I wouldn’t have thought anything of it except oh, it’s thundering and raining outside; but it was November 27th and that kind of shit doesn’t happen this time of year. I got up again for the second time in 4 hours and strolled to the window and pulled back the shade and it was pouring out so hard you could hardly see the neighbors’ house. Add to that the fact that it was lightning and thundering out like gangbusters and we’ve got a little storm on our hands. It really didn’t do anything bad out except for the fact when I turned on the weather channel it said our temperature was only 32 degrees; and 32 degrees is what? It’s the temperature that water freezes at, that’s right. So to recap my wonderful morning, I’ve got close to 4 hours of sleep and something close to an ice storm happening outside my house. It wasn’t coming down as ice luckily, or we probably still wouldn’t have power here, but it was freezing on the roads shortly after falling. I turned on one of my police scanners to listen to the action unfold since I was now wide ass awake and sleep wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I listened for a while and got to hear how cars were sliding out of control and even the salting trucks had to put chains on because they couldn’t keep on the roads. What a weird ass weather day… to bad it came two days late.

No Starvin’ Marvin, That’s My Pot Pie

Well, today is the day that starts the official push of Christmas. Thanksgiving is normally the second to last meeting of your family for the year, being followed by Christmas of course. Now what happens on Thanksgiving usually is that aside from the getting together and eating way to much food, you also get into that stupid game of exchanging names. You know the deal, you all draw some family member’s name out of a hat or a shitty Tupperware bowl and then you are assigned the awesome task of trying to find them some stupid ass gift in less than a month when you will all meet in this same location again. You usually never draw one of your parent’s names or a sibling; it’s usually some distant cousin who just sits in the corner and doesn’t talk to anyone for the whole day. Well what in the hell are you going to buy him? You can tell he’s obviously a loser so maybe a Playboy and some Vaseline? Luckily I don’t have to do any of that shit so my Thanksgiving was just eating and watching some television.

I did however venture out of the house today and was going to attempt to shop a little bit for some Christmas presents early. If you think I’m stupid enough to actually go out into the madhouse that so called ‘Black Friday’ is; you obviously don’t know me at all. Let’s just say that I’m not a people person. Anyway, the one thing I am looking to buy for a present is this thing called I-Dog. On my way home from work this morning I stopped at Wal Mart and wanted to see what it cost and they didn’t have it. I scoured the toy department looking and I finally broke down and asked one of the people there if they had them. They toy lady had no idea what I was talking about; which is not a good sign when you’re looking for a toy. She looked around the shelves because apparently my eyes weren’t working properly, then when I told her what it was she told me it was probably in electronics. We strolled over to electronics and checked it out but there was none there either so she paged over the electronics person. When he got out there he looked on some computer and said if they had it that it would be in toys. Great, now we’re back to square one, and guess what? Now I’ve got two people looking for this toy over in the toy department where it wasn’t at before. The final decision was that it wasn’t in the store so I left. Shit it was 6:30 in the morning and I thought I could get home and catch some more shut eye before starting my day.

I ventured out to K Mart later because I remembered seeing in the paper last week that it was only $18.98 there. Well, when I got there I saw it but the price tag was $27.99. What in the hell is that about, I know the paper said it was under twenty, but maybe it was Shopko. I ventured over there next and they had I Dog also, but he was $29.99. It’s only Thanksgiving and I’m already pissed at Christmas. I went home after this disappointment and checked my papers. I was right, it was K Mart that had it for under $20, but that specific sale was only good for Sunday through Wednesday and of course – it was now Thursday. Fucked again I guess. Another thing that miffed me about I-Dog was that he is no bigger than my fist. Apparently you hook him up to your mp3 player or your CD player and he lights up and bobs his head to your music. I don’t think he’s worth $20, and he damn sure isn’t worth $30 so at the moment I-Dog is still stuck in the store and a six year old may have her Christmas ruined this year. Just kidding, I’m sure they will go on sale again or I will find something better to buy than a stupid I-Dog. I’m good like that you know.

Oh Look, I Can Myspace Now

Quick, break out the confetti. I wound up signing up for a My Space account last night because I guess it was my turn. I had been pondering the decision because there are a few artists on there and it would be nice to have them on there. Well, last night was the deciding factor for me because I found a space on there where someone copied one of my pages and just posted it like it was their own. I’m glad someone thought that shit was funny but nowhere on the page was any mention of where this came from or even a link back to my site. I put a comment on the page to just let anyone else who reads it know where it came from, but of course in order to do that, I had to sign up for my own account. That’s how the deal was sealed.

You know what I’m sick of? The fucking tabloids, that’s what I’m sick of. There are five people out there whose name I hope I never have to hear again. They would be Brad Pitt, Angela Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Hey tabloids, do me a favor, leave these fucking people alone. I don’t care if Brad dropped Jen to go bang Angela or vice versa. I can’t even stand in line of the grocery store without seeing this shit. If you do happen to be one of these media hounds that can’t get enough of this shit, the supermarket checkouts do have you covered. The good news is that there are so many different magazines out there you can find the story you like and buy that one. Hey look at this, Angela is pregnant on this one; oh, Jen and Brad are getting back together on this one, but on this one Jen is banging Vince Vaughn. News customized to your taste, just the way it should be. I have never understood exactly why we are so fascinated with celebrities’ lives. Maybe it’s because we think our lives are so mundane and their lives are so excited. Just remember, a celebrity is no different than you or me. Next time you’re putting one of these so called celebs on a pedestal think that your favorite does everything that you do, just they do it in front of the camera… well, aside from taking a shit; and that’s only because no one has gotten a camera in there. In fact, if that was on the front page of the Enquirer next week people would be snapping those issues up. Oh my God look honey, Jennifer Aniston took a shit this week… let’s buy two issues.

I realized yesterday that when I transferred my blog over from its sub domain over to here I didn’t change the path on all of my pictures and because of that none of my old pictures showed up. I also realized I didn’t like the way the archive pages looked. The text was too small and the style really didn’t match the rest of the site. I fixed both of those problems today and now the only thing I really need to spend some major time on is fixing up the damn guestbook so I can check it once in a while and not have to weed through 400 spam messages. Fucking spammers anyway. Maybe I should be able to charge those cocksuckers for advertising on my site.

Hey, all of the snow melted by Sunday last weekend. I was happy to see that shit since I’m all for a green or even brown Christmas. You know, I can’t really think of any benefit of snow anymore. Speaking of Christmas we are now being subject to the torture that is known as listening to Christmas music at work. Damn you Dick Cheney; what do you want to know, I’ll talk, just don’t let me hear another rendition of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Let’s Do the Twist

I rented a couple of movies tonight because I was bored off my ass. One of the movies I got was Skeleton Key. It was a pretty decent movie, although I can admit I have seen better movies before. The one thing that got me is that every time I would see a commercial on TV for this movie I’d have to hear this: “with the greatest plot twist since the Sixth Sense”. Let me explain something here alright? All of you wanna be horror movies that only come off as a little spooky, do me a favor; quit comparing yourselves to The Sixth Sense. Yes, that movie drew us in and pulled off one hell of a plot twist and when you found out that Willis was dead for most of the movie you were like let me hit that fucking rewind button. That was a while ago though and I get so sick of every movie trying to duplicate what they had there. What Lies Beneath tried, Gothika wanted to, so did Stir of Echoes and the big one of course was The Others which totally ripped off the whole “dead through the whole movie” thing. It was like they said, hey we liked the Sixth Sense so let’s do that movie over but we’ll make it back in the old days and we’ll make it three people instead of just one… brilliant; pour me another Guinness. All of these movies are trying to draw you in and then after you are totally into the movie they shit all over you and let you know what you believed was completely wrong.

Remember when movies would do that before the Sixth Sense and they didn’t call it the plot twist, they called it the fucking plot. If your soul motivation for making a movie is for the five minute payoff at the end, well then you’ve wasted a studio’s money and an hour and a half of my life. Anyway, let me just say that the movie was good and I did not watch it for the plot twist, I watched it for the story. Obviously something happens in the end that makes you kind of rethink certain parts of the movie. If you watch it and it’s done, go back and rethink the hangings in the early part of the movie. Just do me a favor Hollywood, don’t try to sell me an hour and twenty minutes of some shit because the last ten minutes will be the best twist I’ve seen since Chubby Checker; just let me watch my movie and eat my fucking popcorn.

Hey, winter showed up the other day and boy was I happy. Luckily we didn’t get the eight inches of snow they were promising us and only wound up with about one inch. Sound familiar ladies? That’s ok though, let it snow. There’s only a little over 120 days until Spring.