Hey, You’re Crazy Bitch, but…

If you seriously think that a blog title needs to have absolutely anything to do with the contents of the blog, you’re so 2004. Maybe I’m just in a little bit of a happy mood because as of Monday at 9pm, I am officially homework free. That’s right, I finished all of my homework in a grueling two day marathon of doing shit I should have been doing the four weeks prior, but then again, I am a last minute kind of person. I see the last time I posted a blog, if you can call it that, was July 15th to mention how fucking hot it was. Well, once again this weekend we are going through another heat wave. I don’t mind it when it’s hot and humid and the weather person gets on television and tells me that with the heat index it will feel like 100, but when you put that 100 on the damn screen as the temperature I get a little pissy. That’s ok though, because my good friend A.C. is going to be hanging out with me while I sample some early retirement for the next two days. I’m going to just hang out like an old person and eat oatmeal, put together puzzles and shit myself all weekend long in my air conditioned comfort. Ok, I took it a little too far there for humor; I really don’t like oatmeal.

Of course, now that I’m done with work and I’m trapped in the house for a while, what ever will I really do? Well what do I normally do when I’m faced with boredom and alone time? No, not that you sick fuck… I’m talking about redesigning my webpage. I do not like the Flash menu at the top and that is out of here. I also am no longer fond of the color scheme and will be changing that up a little bit… and no, not a Skittles look either. I don’t know what colors I’m going to go with, but I’m sure it will be a little different than now. Writing that means that I currently have no surefire plan of what I’m doing, I just have the inkling to do it and I will.

Faced with the heat that I was mentioning earlier I have one question since we are in some sort of a drought. Why the fuck do people feel the need to water their lawns and keep them all green and pretty when we are in a drought? They are wasting perfectly good drinking water on grass, and not even the kind you smoke; it’s the kind you have to spend time cutting to size once a week if you’re stupid enough to water it. Its not even the fact that these people give a shit about the health of their grass, the only reason they do it is to show off to their neighbors and say ‘look fuckers, we can afford sprinklers’. That’s good, then when its 100 degrees out I can be sitting in my air conditioned house sipping nice ice cold lemonade and watch you keel over mowing lawn because you were stupid enough to make it grow.

MySpace… Oooh

I’m going to admit something, and it’s very hard for me to admit this shit. Why can’t it be something easy to admit like a cocaine addiction or a murder? Oh well, I’ll spit it out, I’ve got a MySpace account. I really didn’t want the account and I don’t pay any attention to it either. Why do I have a MySpace account anyway? Let’s see, I am not a recording artist so that’s not the reason. I’m not trying to meet underage girls so that I can end up on Dateline NBC either. I don’t need their shitty little blog or any of that because I own and pay for my own site. What the fuck do I have a page there for? It’s that goddamn peer pressure, that’s what it is. Actually the main reason I signed up for it was to link to other people in the music industry, mostly because of the 3rd Bass site I run, but then I realized that just because some famous musician is on your list of friends, it really doesn’t mean jack. Now the only time I ever visit the site is when I get a request for a new friend or something of that nature. Usually when I go check it out it just ends up being some sort of spammer trying to get their spam page linked to mine.

The infamous friends list, a.k.a. Top 8, a.k.a. who gives a shit. See, the thing is that I use to have a friends list on my website. I actually put a list down of who my friends were, mostly online and gave a brief description on them and all that jazz. Then suddenly I came to the age of reason and I realized that nobody really gave a flying fuck about that and honestly, neither did I. I sub sequentially removed the list. I use the word sub sequentially because I heard it on television once and thought I’d like to use it and feel important… much like people do on MySpace. Anyway, getting back to the friends thing, I removed it off of my page and then I see that MySpace is suddenly promoting this shit. Those fuckers stole my idea and ran with it. Damn, missed out again. Now on my MySpace account I have a friends list and with that is the infamous “top 8” which is apparently a way to rank your friends and show everyone who you really like. If you’re on someone’s friend list on MySpace and you’re not in the top 8 and it bothers you, then you are either under the age of 19 or you have serious social issues.

Another annoyance of MySpace (as if the whole thing wasn’t an annoyance) is the bulletins. Everyday depending on how many friends you have on your list you will get anywhere from 4 to 400 posted bulletins, most of them being shit like surveys and chain letter type shit. Its not horribly bad if you don’t mind answering the same 35 stupid questions over and over again, but after the first, oh say 400 times it gets a little old and repetitive. The only good thing about all of that bullshit being on MySpace is that I hardly ever get it in my email anymore.

Now every time I turn on the television I have to hear about all of the bad things that are happening because of MySpace. Apparently because of this one web community, all of the children in this country are dumber and are engaging in sexual activity and other unacceptable social behaviors because of this evil online place. Remember the good old days when kids just went into the fields and got drunk and high and fucked like bunnies? Damn, all that innocence is now lost because of this MySpace website. Damn you Tom!!

A Bad Case of Blogaritis

I don’t know what the fuck that means either, so don’t ask me. I was thinking wow, I just wrote a blog and then I look and it’s been 11 days since I did that. My how time flies when you’re constantly busy, not to mention you don’t really have shit to say in a blog.

Let’s see, I used to always bitch about the weather but that gets old… lets see, between the months of October and March he’ll bitch about it being cold and snowy, and between the months of April and September he’ll bitch about it being hot and humid. I just feel like I start sounding like a broken record which is why I’ve tried to avoid bitching about that aspect of life.

My other old standby to bitch about was my retail job in a grocery store; well guess what, that’s gone and so is more exciting content for the blog. I no longer have the antagonizing life of a retail slave to drive me to write bad stuff. The other thing about work is that so far there really haven’t been any bad points to the new job. It is an accounting position so I won’t lie and say that there aren’t times that I could probably spend time better by watching paint dry or sorting my sock drawer, but for the most part everything is going smoothly.

I will tell you one thing though; ever since I started there, the closest men’s bathroom to my cubical has had a faulty urinal which sometimes keeps flushing long after you have released the little handle. The urinal isn’t one of those full wall things, it’s the half one that hangs on the wall about penis distance from the floor, which is handy because that’s the part of the body it’s for. Trust me, maintenance doesn’t appreciate people shitting in there… or so I’ve heard. Anyway, last Monday I went in and someone was in the stall obviously shitting because most men don’t sit to piss, and the urinal is close to the toilet, in fact right outside of the little metal privacy barrier. So I do my thing and I flush the urinal and then I make the mistake of sticking around to wash my hands. You guessed it, urinal didn’t stop flushing, and then in waterfall fashion it started spilling over the top onto the floor. All I could think about was – I gotta get the fuck out of here before the guy with the soon to be wet ankles sees who I am. So I rush out of there and let maintenance know that there is a problem with the urinal and get my ass back to my desk pronto so I can pretend to not have had any part in that fiasco.

So that was one of the days, which I wouldn’t call a bad day… I wasn’t the one sitting in the flooding bathroom, I got out. I suppose if I wanted to bitch about something I could piss and moan about my online schooling but then again, that really isn’t going too horribly bad either.

Holy shit, am I becoming un-disgruntled?

I Used to Work at Hardee’s

I bet you didn’t know that shit did you? You know why you didn’t know that? Because I never told you that, didn’t feel the need to share that little nugget of sad information with everyone until now. I bet you didn’t know that the job I have now is only my fourth paying job I’ve had. But hey, we’re not living in the present here; we’re talking about the past.

My job at Hardee’s was my first job and I was still in High School at the time. I lasted there about a month but I think as far as days worked I probably was only there a week. They say that you only get one chance to make a first impression and apparently I didn’t make a good first impression on my boss. Of course she didn’t make a good impression on me either; I thought she was a total bitch. My first day I was trained on the registers but apparently I wasn’t going fast enough for whoever was training me. Shit, I never ate there so how was I supposed to know how to ring everything up. It wasn’t like now where the brainless fucks just have to find the picture of your item on the keys and press it and the change rolls out of a machine so they don’t have to count. We had to read dammit, and when you have a bunch of stupid ass customers standing in line waiting for their food you have to read fast and I don’t like to do that. So by day two I was trained to clean the eating area. What the fuck kind of job is that, cleaning out the eating area? It’s a really sucky job, that’s what kind it is.

I was stuck out in the eating area doing cleaning until my last days there. It was probably the fact that I came to work one day and the bit… boss was in the parking lot watching someone clean the parking lot and I pulled into the back and I stopped fast and squealed my tires of my ’78 Camaro when I did. Let’s just say that didn’t fly well with her and I was told how she was responsible for customer safety and anything that happened in her parking lot, blah, blah, blah. It kind of sounded like I was listening to Charlie Brown’s teacher after a while. Like I said, I wasn’t hot-rodding or anything, I just stopped on a dime and the tires squealed; no burnouts or break-stands for fuck’s sake. I cleaned the place for a while, and I noticed that every week the schedule would come out I was only scheduled one day a week and it was always cleaning. We had one of those kid rooms there with a ball pit and damn did that fucking room stink like pissy diapers. It got to the point where I just wiped the tables off and swept shit underneath bigger objects when I could. I was so sick of that place and it was only my 4th day of work I think. I finally decided I should talk to the bitch so I went to her and asked her why I was only getting about five hours a week and always doing the dining area cleaning. She told me to come in next week and talk to her about it and we would decide what to do.

So the next week I’m going to go in and discuss this with her and get myself some more hours and actually make money to afford filling my Camaro with gas, I mean my god, it was 89¢ a gallon you know. I decide to wash my Camaro that day because apparently the rust was getting dirty. It was a ’78 Rally Sport and it was this odd blue color, the top and the hood were black and the bottom was trimmed out with rust. It also had after factory T-Tops on it. Those were so nice; driving down the street with no top was pretty sweet, until the rain would start. Of course that day when I was supposed to go in and talk about my job I was washing the car. I did the whole spraying and washing thing and then when it was all done I decided that I would take the tops off so I could enjoy the nice summer day. Well, when I went to take the driver side top off one of the two latch pieces was still in its designated hole and I didn’t realize that and as I lifted the top up and the latch stayed in its hole, it popped. When I say it popped, I mean little tempered glass pieces every fucking where; on the seat, on the floor on the driveway, on me. It was a huge ass mess and I had to get my ass to Hardee’s so I could find out what superbitch was going to say.

I vacuum my car all out and then I drive to work to find out what is up and like she said, see what we can work out. I get there and she tells me I’m not Hardee’s material. Apparently I didn’t have the required amount of zits or something and I wasn’t cutting it. I was a little pissed, not that I no longer had a job and wasn’t going to reap the benefits of the $45 a week I was pulling in at Hardee’s, but I was pissed that superbitch couldn’t have just told me that shit the week before and saved me the whole trouble of all of this.

Of course working and I guess you could say being fired from there led me to the grocery store down the street where I worked for over five years. I could probably write a book about that but I don’t have the time nor the patience right now, plus I’m hella tired.

So let’s see, are there any loose ends to tie up? Only one I think, I was driving a Camaro with only one T-Top and it wasn’t even on my side. My grandpa actually built me a temporary top out of wood for the car (yeah, way to dork-a-rize a sport car huh?) and I drove around with that for a while. Eventually I did find a replacement for the top out of California and it cost over $300, and the fucking car only cost me $850. Oh well, I was now making the big bucks of minimum wage working at a grocery store and starting my realization of the fact that customers suck.

If You Only Buy One Hip Hop Album This Year

Then buy this one. Also check out Ugly Duckling on the web at their official website HERE and their MySpace website HERE where you can listen to some of their stuff for free.

I’ve been listening to UD for 3 or 4 years now. I heard about them on a message board or possibly even from someone through my 3rd Bass website. I found and downloaded their song “I Did it Like This” and a couple others and then I went online and bought both of their current albums which were Fresh Mode and Journey to Anywhere at the time. When the third album dropped, I was actually shocked to find it in the store since I have had to buy all of their stuff online so far including this newest one. Anyway, I found Taste the Secret in Best Buy in Eau Claire and I bought it right away and listened to that a lot. This newest album Bang for the Buck is damn good and like I said, if you’re going to buy a new hip hop album, this is the one. However, if all you care about in your rap music is people saying fuck every 4 seconds and talking about bitches and shooting people and drug dealing, then this IS NOT for you, but this is…

This one’s going out to all you cats wearing retro jerseys with matching hats and too much jewelry; rockin’ that gangsta pop ringtone rap… watch out, you might get SMACKED!!

Click It, Ticket, or Fuck It…

My local police as well as your local police are embarking on a wonderful mission today looking for horrible offenders that aren’t wearing their seatbelts. Apparently the police have solved all of the murders, stopped all the drug trafficking and arrested all the child predators and all they have left to do is make sure I’m wearing my seatbelt. Let’s get something straight first off, I do wear my seatbelt about 99.9% of the time when I’m driving and I do believe that seatbelts save lives; but, but… I don’t think it’s the job of the police to tell me to wear it. It isn’t even law that motorcyclists have to wear helmets in Wisconsin so why the hell should I be required by law to wear my seatbelt?

What’s next, are the police going to start kicking down doors when people are fucking and make sure they’re wearing their condoms? Maybe they could bust into a house around dinner time and make sure that the baby is secured in the high chair.

You know, the whole problem I have with this is that it’s fake. The police don’t care if you travel safely or not. If you’re driving erratically or drinking and driving then they care because you could hurt others, but if you hurt yourself they don’t give a shit. This is not about your safety; it’s nothing more than a fund raiser for your local police department. If I happen to get a ticket because I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt when I drove to the gas station I’m going to submit it at the end of the year as a tax write off because that’s all it is, a fucking donation.

What else is going on around here? I’m all signed up for some summer classes which will start on June 5th. I am taking two accounting classes and one Microsoft Excel class. I’m thinking that my summer will be pretty full and my life probably will be the next couple years while I work full time and try to get my degree. It should be pretty worth it though because at least I’ll have an education and job experience in the field and I can move up in the company or possibly even move on to another company. Of course that is way into the future and nothing I’m even thinking about right now. I think my job finally clicked over the last week or so because I’m about 90% on my own and I actually understand what I’m doing and why, much unlike the first two weeks there. That’s a good confidence booster to know that you’re doing the job and you can make it work without a lot of help. I like being independent in my job, especially considering I did it like that for the first 15 years of my working life. I need to work hard because my phone bill from March is huge. I was on the phone a lot because I was quitting my job and I was excited and talking to everyone. Well apparently I talked to EVERYONE because I went over my minutes by about 550. That’s 550 minutes which translates to a phone bill over $200. Yeah, it definitely sucks ass but I looked over the bill and I know I made all the calls so all I can do is pay the bill. I guess I’ll have no choice but to buckle up for sure now because I can’t afford a ticket with humongous phone bills like that.


First I’ll give you a little back story on this entry. I wrote this as a freshman in high school because in English class we were supposed to keep a journal and write something everyday. This isn’t a “people I want to kill” list or anything like the dumb little fuckers are doing these days in school. This was simply a list of things I hated, or at least wrote down that I hated so I could finish off another stupid journal entry. Oh, and Bo Jane & Toots were two dogs that we were stuck babysitting for about 8 months in case you’re wondering. Anyway, here it is, circa 1987 or 1988.

I am going to write down a whole list of things that I hate. Cigarettes, country music, tornadoes, school food, old cars (Studebakers especially), Bo Jane, Toots, pushy church people, door to door salesmen, nuclear missiles, boring study hall, F’s, mosquitoes, gnats, bumble bees, faith healers, crank calls, major diseases, drugs, big dogs, murderers and rapists. I hate when I break something and it’s a very valuable thing. I hate when someone makes fun of retarded people. I hate people who live off of welfare and don’t try to get a job and someone who needs money can’t have it. I hate when you get in trouble for something someone else did. I hate my gym teacher. I hate when you step in dog crap. I hate nosy people. I hate spinach. I hate my cat when he eats a whole bunch and then pukes it up. I hate plastic fruit. I hate finding hairs in my food. I hate when you puke and it goes through your nose. I hate going to a whole bunch of garage sales with my mom and grandma. I hate the stupid get-togethers on my birthday, Christmas and other major holidays.

Ahh, the wonderfulness of being a freshman in high school, you can almost feel the oncoming wedgie or swirlie. Of course since I was becoming a disgruntled human back then, you know that the hate list would have to continue, which it did towards the end of the year, at least at the end of writing journals. Enjoy.

This is my last entry for ninth grade I have to ever write. I think if Bo Jane comes back, I will kill her. I turned her mean, my job is accomplished. I have a few other things for my hate list. I hate Monday morning at first hour. I hate this study hall. I hate people that trip you in the hall. I hate pens that explode. I hate when you forget to get your homework done. I hate when I do bad on a test. I hate writing these stupid journals. I hate dogs named Spuds. I hate that seniors get out a week before me. I hate detention. I hate the school cafeteria. I hate having to come back to school after a nice long vacation. I hate people who get scared of movies like A Nightmare on Elm Street. I hate having to mow the lawn and bagging it all in one day. I hate the snow when it stays all the time. I have many more things that I hate. I can’t remember them right now, but the one thing that I like is this is my last stupid journal entry I have to write.

Paper or Plastic?

I’m a cash guy, I love the green stuff. That fact alone makes it a little hard for me to go from a cash lifestyle to a plastic one; but I’m making the transition slowly. I liked cashing my checks, getting my cash and filling my wallet up with fresh green money. Now in my new job I have to use direct deposit and I am attempting to make the adjustment from living in a cash world to living in the plastic world. I have my new check card I use and if I really need a cash fix I can always go to my banks ATM and withdraw some money and fill my wallet back up. To give you an idea of how long I’ve been a cash guy, the last time I used an ATM was before the dawn of the so called debit card. The last time I used the ATM, my card was called a TYME card and I went to the TYME machine to use it. My how times have changed.

I do have to admit that it was very nice using it at the gas pump the other day and not even having to walk into the gas station and get tempted by the 5 hour old hot dogs and the nasty triangular things that they claim is pizza or any of the other shit they want to sell me. Ha ha fuckers, who’s the sucker now? Oh shit, I guess I still am, since I just paid $3 a gallon to fill up my car. Damn, that gas is expensive nowadays. Aren’t we currently bombing the shit out of the Middle East? You would think that with all of that the prices would drop a little bit longer. I know, as soon as we let Bush bomb Iran, then the prices will plummet, kind of like his ratings. I think pretty soon his rating will be lower than the gas price. Of course I shouldn’t be bitching about the gas prices since I hadn’t filled up for three weeks now.

I’m now patiently waiting for the weather to improve around here so I can actually enjoy the outdoors and maybe fish and play golf. We were actually in the low 40’s this past weekend with rain and possibly a snowflake or two thrown in, although I will deny that claim because I hate the snow. At least with the weather so shitty I was able to do some major painting and furniture rearranging and I found a bunch of old shit I didn’t even know I had. I found my 9th grade journal from my English class and I might have to put that in a blog entry and let you see where my brain was back as a freshman in high school. The thing I’m probably going to put in here is something I had entitled: My Hate List. Just think, if I had wrote that today and I was in school, I probably would have been suspended and counseled and considered a threat to all my classmates. Nah, these days I would just do the cool thing and put my threats up on my Myspace page like all the other losers do. Not losers for putting threats on a Myspace page, but losers for having and religiously using a Myspace page.

I’d Rather Shit at Home

So I’m browsing the internet looking for news of people that have much more misfortune than I do and I come across a wonderful story about a guy in Maryland that went into Wal Mart and took a shit and got stuck to the toilet. The story doesn’t say that he was shitting but I’m using all of my knowledge I have gained from watching programs like CSI to gather that he was since he was indeed sitting down… unless he pees like a girl. I am also using my knowledge to say he really had to shit bad because if on the rare occasion I actually use a public restroom the first thing I do before I sit my ass down is to look at what I’m sitting on. If there was glue on the toilet seat then wouldn’t you think it would have been visible? What kind of glue was this anyway? I would think that even if it wasn’t seen right away, as soon as your ass touched it you would have felt it and stood right back up thinking, whoa, what the hell is on my ass? I know I would have anyway. Nope, apparently this guy must have decided to read a paper or make a cell phone call because he became attached to the toilet seat… literally. Then he had to bang on the walls of the stall and hope someone would come to his aid. I’m glad I wasn’t there, what do you say in a situation like that? Dude, courtesy flush and spray some Lysol, I’ll come back and check on you in a half an hour. It also said that this happened on a Sunday night which means had he not been found that night he would have been out of luck until Tuesday because half of Wal Mart’s janitorial workforce was probably out marching in the streets trying not to get deported.

What the fuck was that about anyway? I didn’t pay too close attention to the news of this but what was the deal there, immigrants taking to the streets and not shopping or working because they want to show us how valuable they are? You know, for a long time at my old job I would have loved to take the day off and walk the streets to show them how valuable I was, but I didn’t, know why? Because I would have gotten fired!! Oh well, it would have beat being taken out of Wal Mart on a stretcher face down with a cloth over my ass conspicuously shaped like a toilet seat.

So I Lied… Again

I know I said that I would be doing the blog more now that I am not at my bullshit stressful retail job, but apparently that was a lie. My new job isn’t nearly as stressful or full of bullshit, but then again I’ve only been there for three weeks now. I could go on another tirade of how my new job isn’t retail just to annoy Lisa, but I think I’ve beat that dead horse to death, instead I’ll just mention how I switched jobs at the right time since the gas price has decided to reach for the sky. A little quick math lesson here, my old job was about a 30 mile round trip each day, multiplied by 5 days (during a good week) would mean 150 miles minimum that I was putting on my car. This past week do you know how many miles I put on going to work? Well, do you? A little over 20 miles is all I put on this week, not including the other 20 miles I put on just driving around to other places. I saved 130 miles of driving for the past 3 weeks and now with gas just teetering on the edge of that $3 mark, I’m extremely happy. When I quit my job gas was still around $2.29 or maybe $2.49, what the fuck do I look like, a gas price historian? I know you’re probably waiting for me to start bitching about the high price of gas but it really doesn’t bother me anymore. The thing that really annoys me about it is that every time I turn on my television I have to see a report about it. Oh, we are being gouged and this is unjust and wah wah wah… look, if it takes $3 gas to make you realize that you’re being gouged in this world then it’s about time you woke up and smelled the coffee. The extremely cold coffee I might mention, since it took you so long to figure it out.

If I was going to bitch about something it would probably be the episode of South Park that was on last week considering no regular characters were on (and no, Towelie isn’t a regular character as far as I’m concerned). However I don’t really feel like wasting my time pissing and moaning about that either.

Hey, on the bright side, my class is over and done with, although I do have to attempt to sign up for some starting in June. So far all they are offering me are flex lab classes but I need to find out how much of a flex they are offering. If I am able to go after work and do my stuff then it would be great, but none of this 7am to 3 shit, because I can’t cut away from work like that. On the plus side I’ll have some financial help from work to get my classes paid for so that will be a headache I can do without.

I guess if I’m looking for excuses as to why I haven’t blogged lately I can use the one that I’ve been developing a website for someone and now I’ve gotten a bug up my ass to redo this website. I know, you’re shocked that I’d be redeveloping my site yet again. I’ve got a basic layout in mind but I’m not sure which way I’m leaning yet so it might be a completely different look from what is in my head right now, and most likely will be. That’s the thing about being indecisive, I’ll make a page about 10 times before I’m satisfied and that will be the one I do. Maybe I’m not indecisive, I’m just perfect.

A New Day

Today was the first day of my new job. My new non retail job for those of you wondering. That’s right, in case I haven’t already rubbed it into certain people like Lisa enough; I’m no longer stuck in a grocery store. I have seen the top of the mountain, and it is good. My first day there went rather well, however instead of watching videos all day long as I had thought I would, I actually wound up doing some basic data entry. Here’s a little hint for those of you scratching your head and wondering why I’m not online… when I spend 8 hours of my day staring into the abyss that is Microsoft Excel, coming home and staring into my lovely flat panel Dell monitor isn’t anything I desire to do, even if I’m looking at naked chicks. I actually had a headache today, most likely a combination of stress of starting a new job and learning new stuff and staring into a computer for that long of a time and actually accomplishing something. See, that’s the other thing, unless I’m doing schoolwork or working on a website, I don’t really accomplish anything at home on my computer. Did I mention that I already have this coming Friday off for Good Friday? Good Friday indeed, especially since I don’t have to work. I probably failed to mention that I am also going to get a paycheck this Thursday too. I’m already getting paid for what I’m working now, and I haven’t even gotten my vacation check from my last job, which should be a good one by the way.

What else is going on aside from me not working retail anymore (Lisa)… ha-ha…? Let’s see, easter is all set up and almost over with so what will you be doing in a week? Oh yeah, marking down all of your Easter that didn’t sell and putting out spring and summer shit… maybe I’ll come down and steal a pool from you.

Hey, I put my new 3rd Bass website up last week. That was pretty fun, I was up until 1am Saturday morning doing it, and I suffered with a hell of a headache afterwards, but it’s done, at least for the most part. There are a few more tweaks I may add in the future, but I left the ability to do that open so I won’t have to do any major overhauls when and if I do add anything.
Focker Out!