It can’t be. Mc Donald’s is going to phase out their super-sized menu. By the end of 2004, Supersize will no longer be available at the nation’s 13,000-plus McDonald’s outlets except in certain promotions.

What sort of promotion would that end up being? How about the ‘big fat ass’ promotion. Does McDonald’s think they are that important in the grand scheme of things that by cutting 20 fries and 12oz of pop out of everyone’s meals that it’s going to make that much of a difference? The people that are fat and don’t care that they are will just order another fry. The people that are conscious probably didn’t supersize that sonofabitch in the first place. The food is still prepared in the same way, so eating less isn’t going to do too much for you. Does that mean a smoker can cut a half inch off all of their cigarettes and then they won’t ever get cancer? It doesn’t work that way.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s Super Tuesday

Hey, it’s Super Tuesday. You know, you would think there might actually be something super about it, but I can’t really figure out what that is. When I first heard about it I was stoked because I thought maybe the new Spiderman movie was coming out or something, then I heard it was just some political shit. I guess anything would be better than Bush getting another four years. The only way I’d ever vote for that fucker is if I was voting him off the island.

I see they are doing their annual list of the most stolen cars again. Let’s see how it ranked last year. The ten most commonly stolen in order of frequency of theft are:

1. Toyota Camry
2. Olds Cutlass/Supreme/Ciera
3. Buick LeSabre
4. Olds Delta 88/Royale
5. Honda Civic
6. Chev Caprice
7. Honda Accord
8. Chev Cavalier
9. Buick Century
10. Plymouth Voyager/Grand Voyager

Well, that’s good; I’m safe for another year. Who the hell would want a Mustang anyway? None of the dealers that I’ve taken it to, that’s for sure.

And the winner is… ah, who cares?

Did you see those Academy Awards last night? I thought they were supposed to tame that shit down. That one chick was totally naked, then the second chick walked in and; oh wait, that wasn’t the Academy Awards, that was a porno I was watching. My mistake.

I’ve been doing this blog thing for almost three years now. I have just recently started this whole new blog thing which is somewhat cool. Since I am being burnt out at work I really haven’t had much of an ambition to write anything worthwhile in here. Maybe I just haven’t had anything worthwhile happen to me. Let’s see, what happened today? I went to work, I came home from work. I did see a tanker truck in the ditch on my way home. I guess “in the ditch” is a little of an understatement. This semi was buried into the hillside, meaning the fucker hit it going a good 60 miles an hour or so. My friend had drove by this about 3 hours earlier than I did and informed me that there was a car involved. The car was completely smashed to hell which is no surprise, just wonder if the person in the car survived or not.

Anyway, back to my blog thing. There is actually an article I found online talking about blogs saying that: The Pew Internet and American Life Project, in a study released Sunday, found that somewhere between 2 percent and 7 percent of adult Internet users in the United States actually keep their own blogs. Of those, only about 10 percent update them daily, the majority doing so only once a week or less often. See dammit, I’m ahead of schedule then. Actually this week is going to be a burn out for me I think, meaning less blog entries, going to bed earlier than normal and all of that fun bullshit. Come on Lotto!!!

Hey February, Leap on this

Hey, tomorrow is leap day, or it’s leap year, or something like that. What in the fuck is that all about anyway? Hey, this whole calendar thing doesn’t quite work out so every four years we have to add an extra day in to get it to balance all out. Isn’t that all that Enron and Worldcom were doing? Shit wasn’t quite working out so they just put some fake numbers in, kind of like an extra day in the calendar; just to make the books balance out. Damn I’m slick, I should have been a lawyer. I should look on the bright side, an extra day to be 30 before I get older.

I keep looking at the clock and thinking it is too late to be up. Sadly next week it will be too late. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I am going to start at 6:45 am. I have no problem getting up that early since I am a morning person now, but there goes staying up even to 10 Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Shit, this is going to suck isn’t it?

I see the hunt for Osama Bin Laden is intensifying. Of course it is; Bush needs some positive numbers for his popularity, or what is left of it anyway. I actually believe that they have already caught Bin Laden and are just holding his ass until they need the photo op. This whole gay marriage thing is going to hurt Bush’s numbers in the long run and they might pull the Laden thing out of their asses to try and recover from that or they might hold out until mid summer/late fall for it. Knowing this administration they will stage the capture close to the third anniversary of 9/11 just so they can try and go for the heartstrings of America. Just my opinion, but we’ll see.

Damn you computer viruses

Ok, when I got home and checked my email today I find out I’ve got four new emails and each one just happens to be the new W32.Netsky.C@mm virus. So, I have Norton AV so I didn’t really care because they just go away. A little later I get an email from someone telling me thanks, it’s a virus. Wonderful, now my email has been spoofed as well and people are thinking I’m sending out a virus to them. Hopefully the person who got this virus only has like 10 people in their email box and this will be an isolated incident.

Oh what the hell else is going on around here? I’m starting to work in the office at work now. I just started training today to start doing some bookkeeping. The good thing about that is it is more eye candy for my resume. I think the book thing might actually help me expand the kind of jobs I’m interested in finding.

I see Jesus is back today. I thought he wasn’t coming back until Easter; I don’t even have the eggs colored yet. That was a little Jesus joke. Ok, I know I’m not the most religious person out there, but I guess I am not exactly sure of what all of the controversy is about. Well, I know what the controversy is about, I just think it is a little over the top. This is Mad Max directing this, let’s not forget that. It is a movie; the people in it are actors and it is there to make money; and make money it will. Controversy always equals money. Apparently it is a powerful movie as it has already killed one moviegoer. A middle-aged woman died of an apparent heart attack on Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in “The Passion of the Christ” at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station reported.


Are we having an identity crisis here? Whenever I can remember in my young years seeing a commercial for this place, it went something like this. Kentucky Fried Chicken, we do chicken right. That was the jingle and barring a bout with amnesia it’s stuck in my head forever. I can’t remember algebra, but I know that. Hell, their big signs outside used to say Kentucky Fried Chicken on it also.

I can’t remember when it happened, but it was during this whole Low-Fat fiasco we had in the late 80’s/early 90’s. Suddenly they were no longer Kentucky Fried, they were just KFC. The chicken was still fried, and to my knowledge (although disputable) it was still chicken.

Now with the success of the Low Carb craze KFC has decided to reinvent themselves yet again by adding words back on their acronym. Now we are to suddenly believe that KFC stands for Kitchen Fresh Chicken. Ok, first off there is no kitchen. You are a fast-food place, and you can call that thing in the back a kitchen if you want but we know better.

Fresh? Don’t even get me started on that one. At least we kept the word chicken in there this time. So, who thought this shit up anyway? The colonel must be rolling over in his 11 herbs and spices grave as we speak.

Why are all these people in Wal Mart on a Sunday?

Hey, it’s fucking snowing again, and why wouldn’t it? I guess it is Sunday and I should have expected no less than another 5″ of snow today. Hell, we almost melted off half an inch on those two days that it actually got above freezing, better replenish it because I could almost see my fucking mailbox again. I guess we did dodge a slight bullet considering that this was supposed to be a rain/freezing rain/sleet event in the first place. I guess snow is slightly better than that. I am finally getting good use out of that John Deere Snow blower that has been collecting dust in the garage the last four winters.

Went to Wal Mart today for a few things; why, because I’m a retard. As a grown man I should know by now that you do not venture into Wal Mart during the afternoon of any day, especially a weekend. There must have been 5,000 people in that fucking store. OK, it was probably more like 120 people, but God Dammit, they were all in my fucking way. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, but every time I tried to duck down another aisle and avoid the clusters of Sunday afternoon visitors I ran into another group. Can’t you bastards go to the restaurant if you want to visit? I swear I just wanted to pick up a stick and hit them. Unfortunately Wal Mart was out of stock of beating sticks, and I didn’t have it in me to ruin a golf club; even a shitty Wal mart golf club.

Speaking of my friends at Wal Mart I found out that I am listed in DMOZ, some new type of search engine. This is what they describe of my little Wal Mart bitch page: Wal Mart Sucks – Complains that Wal-Mart does not sell CDs and tapes with explicit language, despite selling guns, cigarettes, and explicit movies and video games.
Ah; my 15 minutes of fame, right before I get sued.

Replacing the melted snow

Life is a cruel bitch. Today we were in the upper 30’s, like 38ish, and now they are flashing this Winter Storm Watch bullshit saying we may get up to six inches of snow. What in the fuck is that all about? This is my least favorite time of the year for the weather. It seems it becomes a give and take situation now. We get the warm temperatures for a couple days, then suddenly it snows like a sunofabitch. The only good thing about March and April is that it is warm enough to melt a 13″ snowstorm in about two days. Still, winter can kiss my ass. One thing that I missed yesterday when I was talking about all the crazy shit people do when it gets warm is they line up to wash their car. WHY? Can you not see all of the nasty ass slush that is in the streets here? Why would you drive your car into the car wash and get it all cleaned and then drive down the road and get it all dirty again? Regardless, there was still a line of the stupid bastards waiting to get their car washed today.

It has been exactly one year since I started doing the Atkin’s Diet. I put up a new page in my personal section dealing with my last year so that I wouldn’t waste an entire blog on it.

I think it is time for me to get my ass out and find a new job. Wal-Mart has decided they are going to build a 203,091 square foot Super Center in my town. The little pissy grocery store that I work in is roughly 15 miles away, but will still feel the effects of this. I have a real bad feeling that if I drag my feet that there won’t be a job for me to go to in another year. Guess I better get that job resume polished up.

I’m Melting

Another wonderful week has started, but we have good news this time around. Temperatures are going to be in the high 30’s and may even reach 40 on a couple days. Well break out the hot dogs cause we’re gonna have a fucking picnic. In case you have never noticed when you are in Wisconsin or somewhere really cold and it gets into the 40’s, people go fucking nuts. Suddenly they are running around in shorts and t-shirts and driving around with their windows open like there is a massive heat wave going on. It’s all a case of perception really. Take the same 40 degree temperature and go to Florida and see what happens when they get that. Suddenly they are under blankets and calling for a state of emergency because it is so damn cold. Pussies.


How do you save yourself some dough on Valentine’s Day? You dump your bitch. But what happens if your bitch dumps you? Just ask Ken what happens when Barbie dumped his ass for some surfer dude. No more Barbie Playhouse, sweet rides, or messing around with Babie’s little friends.

Why would Barbie dump Ken after 40 some years of being with him? Many have said his avoidance of marriage, but I don’t think that is it at all. I’m thinking more along the lines of the not anatomically correct thing. After 40 years I’m sure Barbie has realized that her man wasn’t really packing anything down there. Back in the 60’s things were a little stricter so he could get away with the lacking in the crotch region because they couldn’t even sleep in the same bed. Now Barbie has all sorts of toys and I’m sure she’s had GI Joe in her foxhole more than once. This breakup was more than inevitable.

Friday the 13th vs. Valentine’s

Friday the 13th. Scared yet?

This isn’t Crystal Lake and I don’t see Jason’s ugly ass anywhere nearby. In case you are a superstitious person, here are a few pointers for you. Two wrongs might not make a right, but two fucked up superstitions should cancel each other out. Since it is Friday the 13th, make sure you do something else that is superstitious. Whatever could that be do you ask? Walk under a ladder. Let a black cat cross in front of you. Break a fucking mirror. Don’t wipe your ass. You know what I’m saying. If you are honestly thinking that a Friday could possibly be bad, well you’re too fucked up for help anyway.

Any man who is afraid of Friday the 13th needs to face the real fear that is Saturday the 14th. Valentine’s is hours away, you had best get your shit together. Motherfuckers were in the stores in droves today buying flowers, candy and whatever other trivial things that they could pass off as love to their mates. When do a dozen roses become played out anyway? It seems to me that if you pay $29.99 for 12 flowers that are going to die every year, it just becomes the thing to do and not really a sentiment of love. It’s like flushing the toilet after you take a shit or turning the light on when you walk in a room, just a common thing. And where is all of this love coming from anyway? If all I do for you is buy you a dozen roses on Valentine’s then what do I do the rest of the year? Damn you Hallmark.

What is with this controversy with the Mel Gibson picture Passion that is coming out? Newsweek magazine on their front cover has the caption ‘Who Really Killed Jesus?” They haven’t even figured out who killed JFK yet, and that was only 40 years ago, good luck figuring this one out. I can just see that CSI episode during sweeps week. CSI: The Jesus Christ Files. Well, I guess if anyone can get to the bottom of this, it would be them.

In case you didn’t know it, I hate winter

Have I mentioned how much I love to shovel snow lately? No? Probably because I fucking hate shoveling snow. They showed a lovely graphic on the news this morning showing how we have had only three snow free days since January 20th or so. What a bunch of bullshit this is getting to be. I see that we are going to get some slight warming next week. We are in the time of year where whenever the sun pokes out, it melts a little of this shit. I can’t wait until it gets sloppy and slushy out, then I can sell some windshield wash at work.

Hey, only two more days until Valentines Day. I see all the people lining up already buying all of their shit for their sweethearts. It is going to be fucking crazy tomorrow, and I’m really glad I won’t be there on Saturday. I see all of these people buying cards, and I wonder how do you pick out a good card anyway? Here are a few of my favorites, which might explain why I was never offered that position at Hallmark.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Here are some flowers,
When do we screw?

Here’s to you,
Here’s to your health,
Wait, I don’t even like you,
Go fuck yourself

Tingly’s how I feel when you’re near,
Remember that night when we drank all the beer
It was a bad idea now I can see,
And for some reason now it burns when I pee.