Sunday, May 4

It’s Sunday and like a lot of people do, I got up early for the morning ritual. No not church, golf. From yesterday to today I cut 13 hits off my score. It’s still a pretty high score, but a definite improvement over yesterday. I keep thinking about how I have to go to work tomorrow, but I keep forgetting that it’s only for two days, then one day off, one day on, three off! Of course I took those days off to do a little golfing. If it rains, then I will play pool or bowl, depending on the mood.

I am starting to see cheap prices on computer components and am seriously thinking about upgrading this old beast to keep up with what I want to do. I think I will try to upgrade this one and try to get it to last another two years, and then I will buy a new one then. I’m looking at throwing a 256MB chip in here for more memory and another harddrive. There is an 80GB drive available for only $60. Other than that, I would like to upgrade the processor also. A DVD burner would be nice, but is not needed yet. When I do buy new, I am thinking about a laptop and then keep this one on hand for my backup.

Saturday, May 3

Another day, another round of golf. I wish I could say that I was drastically improving, but then again it’s only the second time I’ve played in like 3 years. The last time I played was in the summer of 2000. I’m not exactly sure where all my time went, but I think it was a combination of the pond and the fact that I was so lazy back then. Once I got done working on the pond, I just felt like sleeping or something. Now I’m still doing shit around the pond and golfing. Feels great actually. I’m going out again tomorrow morning also. So far, no real pain either.

I was reading the news online, and um…came across this tidbit. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – More than 100 men and women have gathered in famously liberal San Francisco this weekend for what organizers said was the city’s second annual public “Masturbate-a-Thon”. Now, I’ve never participated in a Masturbate-a-thon, nor had I ever heard of it before today. Apparently it is some type of money raising thing. (San Francisco Masturbate-a-Thons have raised more than $25,000 over the past five years.) Hmmm… Sounds like someone is pulling my chain.

Thursday, May 1

It’s May 1st. That means it’s May Day. Apparently somewhere in time, people used to make little baskets and put them on other people’s doorsteps. I wish I had known that before I called in the terrorism bomb squad to detonate that strange package on my front steps. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

Tomorrow is Friday. I am planning on going golfing on either Saturday or Sunday, or hell maybe both. I am taking off two days of work next week. Instead of a short day on Wednesday, I’ll just not be there, then I am also taking off Friday. Three day week followed by a three day weekend. I love my job-when I’m not there.

I am working on new lighter pages for my links. I will hopefully have the gripes, humor and picture pages redone soon. I am getting rid of the graphical stuff and going with a slightly simpler style. I’ll have to see how fast those load then.

Wednesday, April 30

Last day of April, what’s goin’ on out there today. I read that AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo were going to join forces and try to destroy spam. This is like one of those cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid, where the heroes and villains would put aside their differences for a common cause. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside – oh no, wait, that’s the porn. So is this a needed step? Well, for that story, let’s check my Yahoo Inbox. These are the subjects of some of my e-mails

  • this is crazy, im your freakin neighbor Kiran
  • Young Russian Women In Search Of Men
  • Gangbanged Moms
  • Encounter Faithful And Gratifying Women
  • Uphold Your Septic Tank Appropriately
  • Paying too much for life Insurance?
  • Chat with Continental Airlines CEO Gordon Bethune
  • We have every intention of getting you laid
  • GIRLS L0VE HoRSE d1ck
  • A Better Alternative To Vitamin Pills
  • remember the mardi gras girl? Maryam
  • Get the Iraq ‘Most Wanted’ Deck of Cards

So yeah, I guess something needs to be done about this bullshit. I am even getting this shit in my everyday e-mail. I pretty much expect to get spammed in my Yahoo and Hotmail accounts, but unfortunately, these worthless fuckers seem to find their ways into my inbox no matter what I do.

Tuesday, April 29

Holy shit, where has the time went? I swear it was just Friday night, and now it’s already Tuesday. Must have been because I was so damn busy this past weekend. I shoveled 5 yards of gravel Friday night, then Saturday I put about 40 landscaping bricks around the pond. Sunday morning bright and early I went golfing, then got home and went to the driving range. That night I did some more work around the pond, so I was pretty damn busy. But now it’s Tuesday.

Today I set up Summer at work. You know, grills, coolers, all that happy shit. I get so sick of setting up that shit. Luckily I got it late this year, or people would have had stupid shit to say, like whoa… think it’s going to get warm enough for that? Gee, no dumbass, I think it’s just going to keep snowing and you’ll need this grill just to keep warm.

I was watching the news tonight, I heard something that the Iraq war is pretty much over. When did this shit happen? I thought we were still dropping our missiles and shit on them, and now it’s over? It can’t be over yet. Maybe we can invade someone else now that I’m geared up for it. Let’s take another 4 letter place starting with “I”. Iran could use it, or you know; how about Iowa? Those fuckers would never see it coming either. We’re coming for your corn you sunsabitches!!

Saturday, April 26

Another week done with. I love the weekend, especially if it is going to be nice outside. I am going to be doing some brick work around the pond soon, so that will take a day out of my weekend here, and a few other things too. Once the pond gets going, I will be able to take some pictures of it and actually get that section of the pics going on my picture page. I would like to go golfing today, if I can find someone to go with. I’ll have to check it out.

I found out today that I fit back into some of my old pants again. That is a kickass feeling to say the least. Hopefully within a few more months I will be at my goal weight. I have already lost 45 pounds, and actually want to lose another 60. So maybe it will take a little longer than three months, but hopefully before summer is over.

I am still toying around with ideas for the front of my site here, this is yet another one. I went searching for backgrounds and decided that I would just make my own instead. This is one of my firsts. I am working on a few others that should look pretty cool, using gradients and shit like that.

Thursday, April 24

Went to the driving range yesterday, that was fun. There is a new course in town here that just opened up last year, so I decided to go there. I still hit rather shitty, so I guess I haven’t lost it! After I got home and did some meaningless yard work, I tried my bike out. I think I put about .05 miles on it before I realized this is going to take some getting used to. Today my ass hurts so bad from sitting on that bike for roughly 15 minutes. What’s up with that?

As long as we’re on the subject of bikes, I have a question? When did this pussy ass idea of helmets come up? Everywhere I look, anyone on a bike is wearing a helmet. Am I missing something here? I know I haven’t been on a bike for a few years, but did it become a full contact sport since I was gone? What the hell do you need a helmet for on a bike? I NEVER wore a helmet while I biked. Even back when I was only four years old and just got my training wheels off I still was helmetless. Shit, they probably didn’t even have helmets back then. Did I fall off my bike, Yes. Did I get brain damage, well ok that’s probably up for grabs, but I’ll say no.

Tuesday, April 22

Hey, the weather is finally consistent, and nice. It’s been consistently shitty since October, except for last Monday, but other than that… shitty, shitty, shitty. We are in the low 60’s, which is around the temperature that I love. From 60-75 I’m good to go, I’m not real crazy about the heat and humidity and I loathe the cold and ice, but that is my happy medium.

I am thinking about going out to the driving range and hitting some golf balls tomorrow. It has been over two years since I have even swung a golf club, so I should probably get the Arthicreme and Ibuprofen out now. I took my bike down and put the new seat on it and re-aired the tires, so that is good to go also. I am hoping to get out on that pretty soon and ride around. It should be nice to actually get out and enjoy the outdoors this summer. The only time I was really outside last summer was when I was working on that damn pond, which seemed to consume most of my summer.

Sunday, April 20

It’s Easter. Once again Jesus rises from the dead and decides to hide colored boiled eggs and leave baskets of chocolate for all the children. Or was that the bunny? I always get those two things mixed up anyway. Unfortunately, even though it is Easter, it is also Sunday, which inevitably means tomorrow is Monday. That means I have to go back to work, which really sucks. Went out of town today and had dinner at a relatives house. That’s always good to go somewhere for that, then you don’t have the mess at your house.

I have started something new on my page in case you didn’t notice. I put the most recent blog on the front here. There are a couple new links also, which may or may not become active in the future. They are just ideas that I am toying with right now. If anything develops out of the idea, then I will be getting on that and make them active links. I have a few other ideas for this page, and will hopefully be getting them going in the near future. I would like to go with a liquid design, because everyone’s browsers are different and this will not look the same on everyone’s computers. My idea is to make something that will still be centered and somewhat legible on any computer/browser/platform. Hopefully I will be able to do that. And oh yeah, I’m sure I will change this front page a few hundred more times.

Saturday, April 19

It’s Saturday morning, and for some reason I’m up before 8am. I guess since I get up at 6am during the week, this is now considered sleeping in. I remember the old days when I was still in school, I could sleep until noon if I had to. Now I feel like that is wasting the day away. Damn it sucks getting older.

I see they finally arrested that fucking husband in the Laci Peterson case. It’s about time they charged that bastard with something. Positively ID’d the body even. He should be thankful he’s in prison, because otherwise I would think there would be at least 30 people that would do him in. Hopefully he will get the death penalty, and if not, I can at least hope someone fucks him up real bad in prison.

I am trying to figure out where to go this year on Vacation. I’ve been to Florida 2 times in my life, and South Dakota 2 times now, so I am looking for something a little different this year. Has to be driveable also, because I’m sure not going to be getting into any airplanes. NWA is going to lay off a shitload of mechanics, and you’ll be wondering why the planes are going to be falling out of the skies.

Friday, April 18

It’s Good Friday. I’m off every weekend, so every Friday is good to me. Always good to get paid and then have two days off to blow it in. Nah, actually I’ve been saving money since I’ve been on this Atkin’s Diet, so I have damn near $1,000 bucks saved up already. Too bad those bastards at Ford Credit seem to think I should still make monthly payments. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

I was reading in the news that Germany is trying to market a condom that will have an anesthetic in it to numb the penis and prolong the act. An anesthetic in a condom? That would be different to say the least. Maybe they can do the commercials for those retro like the old Reeses PB cup ads. Hey, you got Orajel on my Trojan…Hey you got your Trojan in my Orajel. Well, now you know why I’m not an ad executive.

Wednesday was one hell of a day. It took me almost an hour to get home from work, a drive that normally takes about 20 minutes. It was icing up so bad out there I saw at least 4 cars in the ditch on the way home. I only slid once, but luckily not into the ditch like the other goofy shits I saw. I think I topped out at 35MPH that day. Yesterday was still cold, but not icy at all. Today we were supposed to make it to 55, but didn’t go past 45. Saturday they are saying 60’s, but we’ll see.

Wednesday, April 16

Did you pay your taxes yesterday? If not, get your Vaseline ready, cuz you’re goin to prison. And you thought the government was sticking it to you… just wait.

Well, after experiencing summer on Monday, we had fall yesterday, and winter is dropping by for a visit today and tomorrow. Rain to snow today, then snow tomorrow. I think it’s time to move.